Record #: SO2011-4398   
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 5/18/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 5/20/2015
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 17-12 regarding Western Avenue Corridor Special Sign District
Sponsors: Fioretti, Bob
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 17 - Chicago Zoning Ordinance - Ch. 12 Signs
Attachments: 1. SO2011-4398.pdf
Related files: R2015-407
WHEREAS, The City of Chicago Is a home rule unit of government as defined in Article VII, Section 6 (a) ofthe Illinois Constitution; and
WHEREAS, As a home rule unit of government, the City of Chicago may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to Its government and affairs; and
WHEREAS, Place and manner regulation of signs Impinging onto the City's public ways Is a function pertaining to the government and affairs of the City; and
WHEREAS, The near West Side and West Haven communities and 2nd Ward Alderman Robert W. Fioretti have worked diligently to design and gain public approval for a streetscape beautification project ("Project") on Western Avenue from Van Buren Street to Lake Street; and
WHEREAS, The Project will calm traffic, reduce the urban heat island effect and help to beautify a residential and business district of Chicago that was marred by deferred maintenance and urban decay; and
WHEREAS, The City's Investment In the first phase ofthe Project will total $4 million this year, and will be complemented in the second phase ofthe Project with an equal or greater amount of Investment; and
WHEREAS, Designating the Project area as a special sign district, where special sign regulations and standards are Imposed, helps to advance the objectives of the Project and promotes an attractive visual environment; now, therefore,
SECTION I. Section 17-12-1100 of Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by Inserting the language underscored, as follows:
17-12-1100 Special sign districts.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ord/nance)
17-12-1104 Western Avenue Corridor special sign district.
17-12-1104-A. Boundar/es. The Western Avenue Corridor special s/gn district consists of all parcels adjacent to Western Avenue between Lake Street on the north and Van Buren Street on the south.
17-12-1104-B. f?egu/af/ons and Standards. The following s/gn regulations and standards shall apply to the Western Avenue Corridor special s/gn district. These s/gn regulations and standards are supplemental regulations and standards that apply In addition to existing zoning regulations. All existing zoning regulations apply except those that conflict with the standards and regulations imposed for the Western Avenue Corridor special s/qn district. In case of a conflict between the Western Avenue Corridor special s/gn district regulations and other zoning
regulations, the Western Avenue Corridor special s/gn district standards and regulations shall prevail.
L Projections. As of the effective date of this amendatory ordinance of 2009, all s/'gns must be affixed on building walls parallel to the property line, and no s/gn may project more than 12 inches across the property line into the pub//c way,
Z Nonconforming s/gns projecting more than 12 inches across the property line into the pub//c way mav remain in place and in use until such time that
(i) there is a transfer of ownership of the business represented by the s/gn;
(ii) there is a transfer of ownership ofthe building where the s/gn is affixed; or (iii) a permit is required for a new s/gn.
3,. Routine maintenance and repair of nonconforming s/'gns projecting more than 12 inches across the property line into the pub//c way which are installed prior to the effective date of this amendatory ordinance of 2009, shall be allowed until July 1. 2015.
4 As of July 1, 2015. notwithstanding any provisions of this section, all nonconforming s/gns projecting more than 12 inches across the property line into the pub//c way, shall be removed bv the building owner or the business owner.
17-12-1104-C. Prohibited Signs. The following types of signs are prohibited within the Western Avenue Corridor special sign district:
V free-standing ground s/'gns.
Z banners,
3. flashing s/gns.
4 light-emitting diodes (LED) larger than 2 feet bv 4 feet,
5. changing-image s/'gns, and
6. offtpremise signs.
SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and approval.