Record #: Or2014-475   
Type: Order Status: Passed
Intro date: 10/8/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 11/5/2014
Title: Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 2707 S Wells St
Sponsors: Balcer, James
Attachments: 1. Or2014-475.pdf
City Council
Meeting Date:      
Committee on Buildings
ORDERED. Thai the Commissioner of Buildings Is hereby directed to issue a sign penril lo: (Contractor's name and address)
      jjsMt (TWdia      
      ^Djs&LyJZLX      LeJMJd3.      .      
for ihe erection of a sign / signboard over 24 feet ir. height and / or over 100 square feet (in area of one face) at: (Business NAME & ADDRESS)
      Kl&ilY f~O0<* S£ru\c4~      
      3*101    S. W*Hf>      
      _      „      Chicly. XIoOlo\\j>      ;      
Dimensions: Length      j 0 Q      Height      ,3Q      
Height above grade / roof to top of sign £ */ TOTAL SQUARE FOOT AREA 7>0QO
Such sign(s) shall comply with all applicable provisions of TITLE 17 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance and ail other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoor signs, signboards and structures.
^JMlJtdA.      »
A«yerman,       Ward
«. Details
C R:tr-.v K P:w
2 Locat^si fnro      0. rxocrtpuon
1 Typo
Aoolication Detail
Business Identjflcoiion
In. In.
New Construction (Jign) Building " Steel
Various ofl-sito ads All Stool
Sign Permit Typo' Support Type-Support Material' Sign to Read* Sign Manufacturer' Drawing Approval # Teat Lab
Type and Size of Sign
•      Yes NO Ye»'.'.No
•      Advertising Reflu'ar
-000 1
Sign Typo' S.gnSoaid Is this a Billboard?' Dynamic image display?' Use Typo* Shape* LtngUV Height*
Height Above Grade or Roof* Weight*
# of faces*
Painted WaT? Secondary Sign?
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Vtork is Required
Project is Over
: Describe:' warehouse
| mm/oWyyyy
Public Walkway* Private Property*
Additional Detail
Typo of business*
Business name License Account # Renewal Dale:
Zoning District'
Planned Development orPMD'
(•.Yes No
Kealoy Food Service xaoujoooot
Bl '- Describe Yes.vNo
Total area ol all eigne on lot (sq ft.)* o Total street frontage of lot (In fast)* 62
Distances From
Public part 5230 Expressway
50 if less than t non n
Residential 100 District'
Distance of Structure Inner Edge (ft)* 137
Required Documents/Permissions
Sign Bond'      > *fes No
Council Order'      Yes- No
Chief Electrical Inspector Approval'   Yes;* No
Check Numbers
If paying by check, please enter the check numbers below. Zoning: DCAP:
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