SECTION 1. Section 9-64-206 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
9-64-206 Parking meters - Hours of operation.
Notwithstanding any prior ordinance establishing different hours of operation, the hours of operation for a parking meter shall be as follows:
- In addition to the hours provided in subsection (d), on residential streets, parking meters shall operate from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, except that meters shall operate 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Sunday, within the areas set forth in Section 9-64-205(a) and (b).
- In addition to the hours provided in subsection (d), on Or all other streets that are not residential streets (non-residential streets), parking meters shall operate from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, except meters shall operate:
- Twenty-four hours per day, Monday through Sunday:
1.1 ... within the boundaries of the. area set forth in Section 9-64-205(a);
- From 8:00 A.M. to midnight, Monday through Sunday, within the area bounded on the east by Lake Michigan, on the north by the north side of Division Street, on the west by the west side of Halsted Street.running south to the east bank of the North Branch Canal and then running south to the east bank of the Chicago'River, and on the south by the north bank of the Chicago. River.
- From 8:00 A.M. to midnight, Monday through Saturday, within the area bounded on the north by the north side of Division Street, on the east by Halsted Street (but excluding Halsted Street), and on the west by the east bank of the North Branch Canal.
- Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) and in addition to the hours provided in subsection (d). parking meters on the following streets shall operate according to the following day- and night-time categories:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
- In addition to the hours provided in subsections (a), (b) and (c), parking meters on the following streets shall operate from 10:00 A.M. to 8 P.M. on Sundays:
North Broadway Street from Diversev Parkway to Cuvler Avenue North Halsted Street from Barry Avenue to Dakin Street North Clark Street from Diversev Parkway to Byron Street North Sheffield Avenue from Belmont Avenue to Clark Street West Roscoe Street from Clark Street to Sheffield Avenue North Southport Avenue from Belmont Avenue to Byron Street West Addison Street from Wilton Avenue to Sheffield Avenue West Waveland Avenue from Clark Street to Racine Avenue West Irving Park Road from Claredon Avenue to Kenmore Avenue North Sheridan Road from Byron Street to Cuvler Avenue
West Belmont Avenue from Racine Avenue to Broadway Street
West Wellington Avenue from Southport Avenue to Greenview Avenue North Clvbourn Avenue from Lakewood Avenue to Webster Avenue West Fullerton Avenue from Southport Avenue to Lakewood Avenue West North Avenue from Ashland Avenue to Winchester Avenue North Damen Avenue from North Avenue to Bloomingdale Avenue North Winchester Avenue from North Avenue to Wabansia Avenue North Wolcott Avenue from North Avenue to Wabansia Avenue North Milwuakee Avenue from North Avenue to Western Avenue . West Division Street from Hoyne Avenue to'Leavitt Street North Clvbourn Avenue from North Avenue to Willow Street North Clvbourn Avenue from Webster Avenue to Dickens Avenue North Lincoln Avenue from-Diversev Parkway to Belmont Avenue North .Greenview Avenue from Barry Avenue to Belmont Avenue North Ashland Avenue from Nelson Belmont Avenue North Southport Avenue from Wellington Avenue to Nelson Street 1447 to 1459 West Barry Avenue, south side of the street , 1505 to 1511 West Barry Avenue- southisideiof the street 1506 to 1514 West-Barry Avenue, north side of the street
2003 to 2005 West Churchill Street, south side of the street
1630 to .1648 West Cortland Street, north side of.the street
1639 to 1651>-WestCortland Street, south sideiof the street
1702 to 1718 West Cortland Street, north side of the street
1604 to' 1606 North.Hermitage Avenue, west side.of the street
<j. 2002 to 2024 West Roscoe Street, north side of the street ' , 2005 to 2023 West Roscoe Street, south side of the street
- to 2055 West Roscoe Street, south side of the street
- to 2056 West Roscoe Street, inorth side of the street
- to 2010 West St.: Paul Avenue, north side of the street
- to 2009 West, St. Paul Avenue.-south side of the, street
1954 to 1960 West Wabansia Avenue, north side of the street 1603 to 1609 North .Wood Street, -east side of the street 1606 to 1608 North Wood Street, west side of the street
(4 e) In city-owned parking lots comprised of parking meters that are controlled by the Department of Finance or subject to any concession agreement approved by the city council for the operation, maintenance, improvement, installation and removal of and collection of fees from, certain designated parking meters, the parking meters shall operate 24 hours per day, Monday through Saturday, except that parking meters in city lots located within::
£11 the areas set forth in Section 9-64-205(a) and (b) shall operate 24 hours per day, Monday through Sunday; and
(2) the following lots shall operate 24 hours per day Monday through Saturday, and from 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Sundays
(iV 3120 North Greenview Avenue:
- 1530 West Barry Avenue; and
- 1635 West Melrose Street.
(ef) The time limits set forth above shall not replace any other more restrictive parking or standing restrictions and do not relieve a person from the duty to observe other and more
restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication.
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety, to which was referred a proposed ordinance, "As Amended" Amending Municipal Code of the City of Chicago Chapter 9-64-206, of the, as it pertains to City Sunday parking rates, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body DO PASS the proposed substitute ordinance transmitted herewith.
These recommendations were concurred by all members of the committee present, with no dissenting votes.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Burnett, Jr. Chairman,
Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety