Record #: R2013-614   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 6/26/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 6/26/2013
Title: Recognition extended to Ed Kelly and the Ed Kelly Sports Program for various contributions in communities
Sponsors: Fioretti, Bob
Attachments: 1. R2013-614.pdf
WHEREAS, On June 24, 2013, the 39Ih Annual GIANT Award Dinner presented by the Ed Kelly Sports Program, a not-for-profit organization established in 1974 to provide more recreational opportunities for youngsters throughout Chicago, takes place at the White Eagle in suburban Niles to honor this year's recipients of seven awards in the field of Humanities, Athletic Coaching, Business, Labor, Lifetime Achievement, Media and Athletics. Each award is dedicated to one of founder Ed Kelly's many friends and associates that he considered giants in their respective professions; and
WHEREAS. For nearly four decades, the Ed Kelly Sports Program, has hosted its annual GIANT Awards Dinner. Throughout the years, award recipients have included such local luminaries as Jack Brickhouse, Wally Phillips, Gayle Sayers, Mike Ditka, Walter Jacobson, Harry Caray, Bill Wirtz, and Jerry Reinsdorf; and
WHEREAS, The Marshall Smulson Humanitarian Award is presented to Dr. George Zehak, D.D.S, M.A.G.D. who practices in suburban Berwyn and is on staff at Mercy Hospital in Chicago. The Ray Meyer Coach Award goes to Tommy Kleinschmidt, who has held the position of Director of Basketball Operations and Assistant Coach for DePaul University and is currently serving as Head Coach at his alma mater, Gordon Tech High School. The Harry Kempf Business Award recipient is Karl Riehn, an Independent Insurance Agent and owner of Riehn Insurance, located in the Lincoln Square neighborhood for 55 years and founded by his late father, Heinz Riehn; and
WHEREAS, Plumber's Local 130 Business manager James Coyne, a United Association plumber for 36
years, garners the 2013 Bill Hogan, Sr. Labor Award and the Jerry Gleason Achievement Award goes to
David Solon, long-time friend and business partner ofthe late car dealer maven, Jerry Gleason. In 2006,
they purchased four new car dealerships in Colorado in 2006 and 2007and operated them together until
Mr. Gleason's death in 2011; and      ^ 0
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WHEREAS, The Irv Kupcinet Media Award goes to well-known entertainment journalist Bjjr£ZweGg£r, S2-^
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native Chicagoan who grew up in Oak Park and River Forest. Among many other honors thatrBill har om
received, he was a two-time winner ofthe prestigious Peter Lisagor Award, Chicago journerrisfn's hiS3esta:_:
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accolade. He has been nominated for three Emmy Awards for his work at both WBBM-TV and WFLD-TV. The Muhammad Ali Athlete Award honors basketball great Jerry Harkness, who became a 1st Team All American and captain of the 1963 NCAA Championship Loyola Ramblers coached by the great George Ireland, who went against the unwritten rules of the time and started four African-American players on his team, a team that went undefeated in their first 21 games; and
WHEREAS, Ed Kelly Sports Program Founder and executive director Edmund "Ed" Kelly, the legendary coach and former General Superintendent of the Chicago Park District, was born in Chicago and raised in the Cabrini-Green neighborhood. He began his Chicago Park District career as a teacher at a local park and worked his way up to General Superintendent in 1973. For more than a decade, he managed the parks and its thousands of employees. Prior to that, he served as a tail gunner in the Marine Corps in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. During his Marine career, Kelly was named to the All-Service Basketball Team and won the welterweight boxing championship. He relied upon this knowledge and these skills as General Superintendent to revive the amateur boxing program, expand the Junior Bears football program, and initiate the citywide softball tournament; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert W. Fioretli, Alderman of the 2"d Ward, has apprised this august body of the significant milestone event being celebrated by this noteworthy eleemosynary athletic organization and its illustrious founder, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this 26th Day of June, 2013 AD, salute Ed Kelly and the Ed Kelly Sports Program for their important and outstanding contributions to the health and welfare of this city and its citizens.
BE IT FURTHER R ESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Edmund "Ed" Kelly.