Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith, together with Alderman Cappleman, a congratulatory resolution concerning Angalia Bianca.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,

adopted by The Gity Gouncil
of the Gity of Ghicago, Illinois
resented by MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL on JULY 20. 2016
, Angalia Bianca was raised in Oak Park, Illinois by her father
and paternal grandmother; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Bianca began using drugs at 9 years old, dropped out of high school, started abusing heroin at the age of 17, which began a 36-year struggle with addiction, joined a Chicago gang and eventually became a career criminal, serving more than 12 years in a state prison, before turning around her life; and
WHEREAS, When she was released from prison in 2011, Ms. Bianca began working in Rogers Park and Uptown for CeaseFire Illinois, which helps young adults make better choices that could save their lives, because her personal experiences pushed her to relentlessly help youths who are involved in high-risk street activity. In October 2013 she became a Community Affairs Specialist and Violence Reduction Trainer at the CeaseFire/Cure Violence headquarters at the University of Illinois at Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Today Angalia Bianca is a sober, successful, productive, law-abiding citizen who has dedicated her life to preventing violence and helping youth. She has reunited with her family and travels internationally to deliver presentations at universities, high schools, Rotary Clubs and prisons on incarceration, gangs, violence prevention, substance abuse, homelessness and social change; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Bianca has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Redeye Chicago, DNAInfo Chicago, WBBM Radio, CNN Anderson Cooper 360, the 2014 February issue of Rotary International Magazine and on the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy website and was an invited guest at President Obama's 2013 inauguration; and
WHEREAS, In February 2016, Ms. Bianca was presented with the Golden Rule International Award and appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for The Golden Rule by the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative Organization, an affiliate of the United Nations, and was bestowed an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Humanities by the United Graduate College and Seminary; and
WHEREAS, This past February 2016, Angalia Bianca was driving home and witnessed three men with guns firing into a crowd. Instead of leaving the scene, and ignoring the great danger to herself, she parked her car, jumped out and ran to a 15-year-old boy who had been shot and applied enough pressure to the bullet wound in his artery to save his life; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this twentieth day of July, 2016, do hereby honor Angalia Bianca for her steadfast commitment to preventing violence and saving lives in the City of Chicago and throughout the world; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Angalia Bianca as a token of our appreciation and esteem.