Record #: O2011-1392   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 3/9/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 4/13/2011
Title: Bond inducement ordinance and fee waiver for Goldblatt's Senior Living
Sponsors: Daley, Richard M.
Attachments: 1. O2011-1392.pdf
CHICAGO April 13.2011 To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance having had under consideration
An ordinance authorizing the approval to evidence the City's intent to issue City of Chicago Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds (Goldblatt's Senior Living Project).
Amount of Bonds not to exceed: $18,000,000
Having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that your Honorable Body pass the proposed
Ordinance Transmitted Herewith
This recommendation was concurred in by_(amva voce vote
of members of the committee with_dissenting \ote(
Respectfully submitted
March 9, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Housing and Economic Development, I transmit herewith a bond inducement ordinance and associated fee waiver for Goldblatt's Senior Living.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City"), a home rule unit of government under Section 6(a), Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the^ State of Illinois, has heretofore found and does hereby find that there exists within the City a serious shortage of decent, safe and sanitary rental housing available for persons of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that the continuance of a shortage of affordable rental housing is harmful to the health, prosperity, economic stability and general welfare of the City; and
WHEREAS, Goldblatt's Senior Living, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company (the "Managing Member"), intends to form (i) an Illinois limited partnership (the "Borrower") and (ii) an Illinois limited liability company (the "General Partner") which will be the general partner of the Borrower and which will have the Managing Member as its managing member; and
WHEREAS, the Managing Member intends for the Borrower to construct a certain low-income housing senior supportive living development project consisting of the acquisition and rehabilitation of a building to be comprised of approximately 101 residential dwelling units and certain ancillary and related facilities therein, located generally at real property bordered by the 4700 block of South Ashland Avenue, the 4700 block of South Marshfield Avenue and West 47th Street, which property is commonly known as 4707 South Marshfield Avenue and with parking located on adjacent property commonly known as 1635 West 47th Street in the City (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Managing Member has requested that the City issue (i) multi-family housing revenue bonds, notes or other indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $18,000,000 (the "Bonds") and (ii) tax increment financing bonds, notes or other indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $2,900,000 (the "TIF Obligation" and together with the Bonds, the "Obligations") for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the Project costs; and
WHEREAS, it is intended that the interest on the Obligations will be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes; and
WHEREAS, it is intended that this ordinance shall constitute a declaration of official intent to reimburse certain eligible expenditures for the Project made prior to the issuance of the Obligations from the proceeds of the Obligations (if and when issued) within the meaning of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations promulgated under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Treasury Regulations"); now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The above recitals are expressly incorporated in and made a part of this
ordinance as though fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2. The City intends to issue the Bonds and lend the proceeds thereof to the Borrower, or an entity affiliated with or related to the Borrower, for the purpose of financing the Project. The maximum principal amount of Bonds which the City intends to issue for the Project , is $18,000,000 and the maximum amount of TIF Obligations the City intends to issue for the Project is $2,900,000.
SECTION 3. Certain costs will be incurred by the Borrower, or an entity affiliated with or related to the Borrower, in connection with the. Project prior to the issuance of the Obligations. The City reasonably expects to reimburse such costs with proceeds of the Obligations.
SECTION 4. The costs to be reimbursed will be paid from funds of the Borrower, or an entity affiliated with or related to the Borrower, which have been allocated to other purposes.
(    SECTION 5. This ordinance is consistent with the budgetary and financial circumstances of the City. No funds from sources other than the Obligations are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis or otherwise set aside by the City for the Project for costs to be paid from the proceeds of the Obligations.
SECTION 6. This ordinance constitutes a declaration of official intent under Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations.
SECTION 7. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or part thereof, is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be effective as of the date of its passage and approval.
A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/Wa/ if applicable:
d^isftiiivrr,<;   5£rJinfi Iin/ik16; l.LX_
Chech ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Parly submitting this EDS is:
1. «J the Applicant
2. [] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant Stale the legal name of the Applicant in which Ihe Disclosing Parly holds an interest:_____
3. I) a legal entity with a right of control (sec Section It.B.I.) State the legal name of the entity in which the Disclosing Party holds a right of cODtrol:,___
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:    Wl^i  St. ^DQ.fU'Pflg'f-
C. Telcphonc^'K.tttfl.miS      Fax:1/ft-<WV>i%ll       Email:^AffiUfi>ft«SHiMtPi£l\ltCMrD*
D. Name of contact person: \ ^ t t f r1-(Vl   U. WTl_
E. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking: (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
flpy^tmfj) ^imrivtyJW cW&lftf we^f rvP ft. Si £-
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification #_and Contract #______
Page 1 of 13
1,   Indicate lie uaDm of ihc Disctosiofi Party:
(J Person ~yi Limited liability company
[] Pubtkly registered business corporation [] Limited liability partnership
[) Prjvatory held business corporation [J Joint venture
(1 Sole proprietorship I ] Not-l'or-profn corporation
[] General partnership (Js the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(cX3J)7 [ j Limited partnership HYes [ ] No
[ ] Trost I ] Other (please specify)
2    f-or legal entitk-e, ihc state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, {f Applicable.
3.   For legal entities not organized m the State of Illinois: Has the organization r*gwieicd to do , business in Ihc Siaie or Illinois as a foreign entity?
UY« l)No NN/A
1,   Lis! briow the full names and titles of aU executive officers sod all director* of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there ue oo such members, write "no members" For traits, estates or other similar entities, list below tbo legal tillckgldcrfs)
If tbe cotity is a genera! partnership, lira hod partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership ot joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or an> other person ot entity thai controls the- day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Eacb legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name s^s. Title _
2.'  Plente provide the followisg informaiion concerning eacb person or entity having a direct or indjiccl beneficial iniereji (including ownership) in excess of 7»5& of the Disclosing Party. Example! of sue b id interest include shares in a corporation, partnership toTerest in a partnership or joint venture.
Page 2 Of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name Business Address Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
*IatJ£, _■ _
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationshipy0 as defmed in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[]Yes tyNo
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected officials) and describe such relationship^):
The Disolosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Parry has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
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Name (indicate whether    Business     Relationship to Disclosing Party  Fees (indicate whether retained or anticipated       Address      (subcontractor, attorney, paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained) lobbyist, etc.) "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
^TTv\CV4r>lp-Nh-   X _._,___-
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's terra.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[]Yes ^(No []No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
1.  Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g:, "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt-of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTB: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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Name (indicate whether Business retained or anticipated Address to be retained.)
Hay lock Design, Inc. Anticipated to be retained
Spero Consulting, Inc. Retained
Royal Care, Inc. Retained
Relationship to Disclosing Party    Fees (indicate whether (subcontractor, attorney, . paid or estimated.) Note:
lobbyist, etc.) "hourly rate" or "t.b.d."' is
not an acceptable response
1800 Nations Drive, Suite 201 Subcontractor (Architect) Gurrnee. Illinois 60031)
706 Buell Ave Jolict. IL 60640
21925 Woller Lane Kiklccr, IL 60047
Subcontractor (Consultant) Subcontractor (Consultant)
Scliain, Bumey, Banks & Kenny, Ltd Attorney Retained 70 W. Madison Street; Suite 4500
Chicago. Illinois 60613
$600,000 Est. SI60,000 Est. $75,000 Est. S200.000 Est.
Attachment 1
2. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B.1. of this EDS:
a. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unii of government;
b. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or bad a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a pnblic (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust stabiles; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records', making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
c. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set form in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
d. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
e. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
3. The certifications in subparts 3,4 and 5 concern:
• the Disclosing Party;
- any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parries");
• any " Affiliated Entity"' (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly; controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, 6hared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity,
• any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor hot any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter
a. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United Slates of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
b. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
c. made an admission of such conduct described in a. orb. above that is a matter of record, but have uot been prosecuted for such conduct; or
d. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
4. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS S/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or.(3) any similar offense of any state or of the United Stales of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
5. Neither tbe Disclosing Parry nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by tbe Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
6. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
7. If tbe Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page6of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to tbe above statements.
1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one) [ ] is ^ is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
2. If the DisclosingParty IS a financial institution, then tbe Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand thBt becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
............... , '
If the letteni "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on tbe lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Parry certified to the above statements.
Any words ot terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
1.  In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Docs any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[)Yes £JNo
NOTE: If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
) .
Page 7 of 13
2. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or,(ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a Financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does tbe Matter involve a City Property Sale?
□ Yes jJiJ'No
3. If you checked "Yes" to Item D. 1., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials ot employees having such interest and identify the nature of Buch interest:
Name Business Address Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Parry must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
/ 1 • The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
___2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
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NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Seotion V1L For purposes of this Section VL tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.  List below ihe names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter. (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "MA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to tbe Matter.)
2. The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities ot to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
3. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.I. and A.2. above.
4. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(cX4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section
501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
5. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract aud the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for ore duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
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If tbe Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the onisst of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party tbe Applicant?
p^Yes []No If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Fart 60-2.)
[]Yes " p^No
2. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal j Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes j>$No
3. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[]Yes JxJNo
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
The Disclosing Parry understands and agrees that:
A. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement. City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
B. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 Bnd 2-164 of tbe Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at www.citYOfchicago.orB/Ethics. and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, ?40 N.
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Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
C. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in das Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
D. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the pubb'c on its Internet site and/or upon request Some ot all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Aot request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes tbe City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
E. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Servioes, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With rospect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of tbe Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
F. l.   The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2    If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, flie Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Aduiinistraiioit.
F.3    If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subconttactors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F. 1. and F.2. above and will not, without tbe prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
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NOTE: If tbe Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.I., F.2. or F.3. above,.an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of me date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of Disclosmg "Party)
(Sign here) (Print or type name of person signing)
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date) /H*-ll at    Cnosl.        County,    vJ&QjUr^ (state).
"^VgjU        , 1x3 ^ri-f-ciuQ u    Notary:
. J >    Notary Public State of Illinois
Commission expires:_TjOl.P- v Li^^l^!iExplre'a 06/12/2012
' Public. S Official SeBl
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an Indirect ownership interest In the Applicant
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "'familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if; as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, me city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, hrother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (I) all executive officers of the Disclosing Parry listed in Section HB.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if tbe Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more titan a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official Or department bead?
[]Yes P<Jno
If yes, please identify bslow (1) tbe name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person Is connected; (3) tbe name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship,-and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
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