Memorial Resolution for Christine Davis
WHEREAS, Christine Davis was called home to our almighty God on September 30, 2017; and
WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been notified of Christine Davis' passing by the Honorable Michael Scott. Jr., Alderman of the 24th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Christine Davis was born to the late Carolyn and Emmitt Davis on December 30, 1934, in Bernie, Missouri. She had five siblings: Robert, Darlene, Juanita, Jean and Margaret; and
WHEREAS, Christine accepted Jesus Christ at a young age under the guidance of Pastor Jesse G. Wilson of Bemie, Missouri; and
WHEREAS, Christine moved to the West Side of Chicago in the 1950's. She had several jobs, retiring as a caretaker after twenty years of service. Christine had four children: Calvin, Elaine, Tamesha and Lawana; and
WHEREAS, Christine joined Garden of Prayer Missionary Baptist Church in Broadview, Illinois, led by Pastor Johnnie Haynie. She was President of the Mother's Board and a member of the Ushers Board. She cherished her church and was a regular at worship services until her health failed; and
WHEREAS, Christine enjoyed spending time with her family and church friends. She was a wonderful cook, Her hobbies included sewing, reading and watching the Chicago Bulls; and
WHEREAS, Christine Davis leaves to cherish her memory her three sisters, Juanita Price, Jean Davidson and Margaret Hawes; three daughters, Elaine Rasberry (Eugene), Tamesha Hawkins (Stanley) and Lawana; nine grandchildren; eleven great-grandchildren; and numerous family and friends; and
WHEREAS, Christine Davis was preceded in death by her parents, Carolyn and Emmitt Davis; brother, Robert Davis; sister, Darlene Armstread; and son, Calvin Davis; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this eleventh day of October, 2017, do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Christine Davis and extend to her family and friends our sincere condolences.
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Christine Davis.