WHEREAS, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the year 2016 of the City of Chicago (the "City") contains estimates of revenues receivable as grants from agencies of the state and federal governments and public and private agencies; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 8 of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, the heads of various departments and agencies of the City have applied to agencies of the state and federal governments and public and private agencies for grants to the City for various purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance inadvertently included an anticipated carryover from 2015 of private grant funds in the amount of $100,000 from the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation for a "smart" electric grid/energy efficiency consumer education program, which private grant funds terminated at the end of 2015; and
WHEREAS, the City, through its Office of the Mayor, has been awarded new private grant funds for 2016 in the amount of $100,000 from the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation, which shall be used for a "Smart" Grid/Energy Efficiency Consumer Education program; and
WHEREAS, the City through its Office of Emergency Management and Communications ("OEMC") has been awarded federal grant funds in the amount of $74,000 from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency which shall be used for the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Planning program; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The sum of $74,000 not previously appropriated, representing new grant awards to OEMC, is hereby appropriated from Fund 925 - Grant Funds for the year 2016. The sum of $100,000 that was inadvertently included as an anticipated carryover appropriation is hereby stricken from Fund 925 - Grant Funds for the year 2016. The sum of $100,000 not previously appropriated, representing new grant awards, is hereby appropriated from Fund 925 - Grant Funds for the year 2016. The Annual Appropriation Ordinance is hereby further amended by striking the words and figures and adding the words and figures indicated in the attached Exhibit A which is hereby made a part hereof.
SECTION 2. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or part thereof, is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.
CHICAGO, February 10,2016
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an Ordinance authorizing a supplemental appropriation and an amendment to the year 2016 Annual Appropriation Ordinance necessary to reflect an increase in the amount of funds received from Federal, State, public, and/or private .agencies, and having been presented with a proposed Substitute Ordinance by the Office of Budget and Management; and having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body pass the Substitute Ordinance transmitted herewith.
This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee.