Record #: O2018-5068   
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 6/27/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action:
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 13-20 to require City Council order for erection of signs exceeding 100 sq. ft. and amendment of Chapter 17-12 by adding new Sections 17-12-1300 and 17-12-1400 regarding establishment of sign overlay districts
Sponsors: Moreno, Proco Joe
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 13 - Building & Construction - Ch. 20 Building Inspection, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 17 - Chicago Zoning Ordinance - Ch. 12 Signs
Attachments: 1. O2018-5068.pdf
Related files: R2019-362






SECTION 1. Section 13-20-680 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language stricken through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

13-20-680 Council approval.

A City Council order for any sign which exceeds 100 feet2 (9.3 m2) in area or any roof or ground sign, structure or signboard over 24 feet (7.32 m) in height shall be required in addition to the normal permit, excluding city digital signs identified in a coordinated city digital sign program agreement entered into pursuant to Section 10-28-046, or identified in-an amendment to such a program agreement approved by the City Council, and excluding signs in excess of such area or height if the sign is located in a sign overlay district within the meaning of Section 17-12-1300 and the ordinance establishing such sign overlay district explicitly waives the area or height restrictions set forth herein for signs located in such overlay district shall be required in addition to the normal permit. When the complete application for a permit for such sign is filed with the Building Commissioner, the applicant shall submit a duplicate of the complete application to the alderman of the ward in which the sign is to be located along with the order template required by the City Council committee.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)



SECTION 2. Chapter 17-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting a new Section 17-12-1300, as follows:

17-12-1300 Sign overlay districts.

The Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the local alderman, is authorized to recommend to the City Council the establishment, by ordinance, of an overlay district in which the legal standards set forth in this Chapter 17-12 that otherwise apply to signs requiring a permit under this Code shall be waived or modified in such overlay district in the manner and to the extent authorized by the ordinance establishing such overlay district. The City Council may adopt an ordinance approving the establishment of an overlay district pertaining to signs if: (1) the City Council determines, based on factual findings set forth in the ordinance required to establish such overlay district, that the proposed waiver or modification in such overlay district of the otherwise applicable legal standard(s) pertaining to signs is compatible with the aesthetic character ofthe community comprising the overlay district and with the purpose oflhe sign regulations ofthis Chapter 17-12, as set forth in Section 17-12-0100; and (2) the boundaries of the overlay district are clearly identified in the ordinance authorizing the establishment ofthe



overlay district; and (3) the boundaries of the overlay district cover an area of no less than two contiguous city blocks within the meaning of subsection (b)(3) of Section 4-58-020.




SECTION 3. Chapter 17-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting a new Section 17-12-1400, as follows:

17-12-1400 Location of sign overlay districts.

Subject to the provisions of Section 17-12-1300, the following locations shall be designated as overlay districts for signs:

(1.1) [Reserved.)




SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take full force and effect upon its passage and publication. ^-