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Record #: O2017-237   
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 1/25/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Budget and Government Operations
Final action:
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-50-040 by authorizing Commissioner of Family and Support Services to develop, administer and coordinate programs and related support services for minors and young adults suffering emotional stress as result of exposure to gun violence
Sponsors: Villegas, Gilbert, Santiago, Milagros, Waguespack, Scott, Moreno, Proco Joe, Reboyras, Ariel, Taliaferro, Chris, Burnett, Jr., Walter, Maldonado, Roberto, Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 2 - City Government & Administration - Ch. 50 Dept. of Family and Support Services
Attachments: 1. O2017-237.pdf
Related files: R2019-362



WHEREAS, many ofthe children and young adults in the City are and have been exposed to a rising tide of homicide and other forms of violence associated with the discharge of firearms; and
WHEREAS, despite their status as innocent witnesses, such children and young adults suffer and potentially will suffer debilitating consequences of such violence, including post­traumatic stress and other emotional and social disorders; and
WHEREAS, a number of faith-based entities, non-profit entities, and business entities in and outside of the City are in a position to help deliver or support the delivery of services and supports to such children and young adults; and
WHEREAS, the City Council and other aspects of City government are well situated to cast a broad net in terms of capturing and coordinating financial and other resources that will result in the direct delivery of services and supports to such children and young adults; now, therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO that Chapter 2-50 ofthe Municipal Code is hereby amended by added the underscored text and deleting the struck-through text as follows:
2-50-040 Commissioner of family and support services - Powers and duties.
The duties and powers of the commissioner shall be as follows:
To plan, initiate, supervise and coordinate programs and projects, with or without federal or state assistance, which provide or expand human opportunity, assistance, counseling, or other related guidance and development services for residents, with special emphasis upon their needs, aspirations and welfare;
To provide human services, including, but not limited to, crisis intervention services, and planning, coordination and review of all family and support services provided by the City of Chicago;
To cooperate with the mayor, the city council, city departments, agencies and officials in formulating and executing comprehensive programs (1) that enhance the opportunities for older persons to live independently in their own homes and communities, and to live with dignity when residing in institutions, (2) that serve the pre-retirement population and cross the generations, and (3) that prevent incidents of and assist the victims of elder abuse;
To develop, administer and coordinate programs and projects to assist in the healthy growth, development and.socialization of children and adolescents and to promote their well-being and school readiness; and
(1) To conduct research concerning the developmental, medical, educational and social needs of children and adolescents;.


To identity and assess risks to children and adolescents in home, school and community environments;
To advocate for the interests of children and adolescents;
To cooperate with agencies of the federal and state governments and with agencies in the private sector in order to address the needs of children and adolescents; and

To plan, initiate, supervise and coordinate programs and projects (1) that promote a coordinated response to the problem of domestic violence; (2) that raise community awareness of the problem of domestic violence; and (3) that prevent incidents of and assist victims of domestic violence;
To plan, initiate, supervise and coordinate programs and projects (1) that assist ex-offenders to reenter into the workforce and achieve self-sufficiency; and (2) that offer residents job readiness and skill development training;
To plan, initiate, supervise and coordinate programs and projects that help to prevent and end homelessness;
To recommend such legislative action he or she may deem appropriate to implement the policies ofthe department;
(i) To enlist and encourage the cooperation of all public and voluntary agencies, racial,
religious and ethnic groups, community organizations, fraternal and benevolent societies,
veterans organizations, professional and technical organizations, the business community, and
other groups in the City of Chicago to facilitate the rendering of voluntary aid and assistance in
programs directed towards solving the social and economic problems confronting residents;
(j) To conduct programs of public outreach to all sectors of society in Chicago, in order to acquire information necessary and advice appropriate to the department's function and to advise the public of available programs and projects;
(k) To seek and accept offers of gifts or grants from the United States, the State of Illinois, other government entities, their agencies or officers, or from all other available sources of services, equipment, supplies, materials or funds, and to expend such receipts on projects that implement the policies ofthe department and, with regard to United States Department of Agriculture grants administered by the State of Illinois, to enter into agreements with food service providers for the Summer Food Service Program;
(I) To cooperate with state and federal agencies whenever he or she deems such action to . be appropriate in implementing the policies of the department;
(m) To conduct public hearings, carry on research or otherwise obtain factual data, issue publications and make recommendations that implement the policies ofthe department;
(n) To render an annual report to the mayor and city council;
(o) to enter into agreements with public entities, private entities and individuals to operate facilities that serve the needs of older persons, and to exercise rights afforded to the department pursuant to such agreements between or among parties other than the City, and to enter into and execute all such other instruments and to perform any and all acts, including the
expenditure of funds subject to appropriation therefor and the granting ofthe use ofthe City's personal property, as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with the implementation of such agreements, including any renewals thereto, and including provisions providing indemnification; and
(p) To immediately develop, administer, and coordinate a program through which minor and young-adult residents of the Citv who have been exposed to homicide and other violent acts perpetrated through the discharge of firearms in the Citv receive direct counseling and related services and supports to prevent or ameliorate the immediate and long-term effects of post-traumatic stress. Such a program shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following features:
Documentable and documented efforts to garner funding, direct services, and other support from non-profit, educational, healthcare, insurance, business, governmental, and other entities.
Documentable and documented efforts to enlist and utilize the support of local religious congregations and local non-profit service providers to directly provide services and supports to the target recipients.
A written submission to the Committee on Budget and Operations, no later than June 30 of the year 2016 and each year thereafter, that identifies the activities undertaken to develop, administer, and coordinate the program in the previous year: the results of such activities; the value of financial or in-kind support garnered by the program in the previous year; the entities who have provided financial or in-kind support in the previous year; the performance standards and metrics utilized the measure and gauge the immediate and long-term success of the program; and the amount of financial support necessary to ensure the immediate and long-term success ofthe program.
For purposes of seeking and garnering financial and other support from governmental and other entities, the department is designated as the administrator for direct counseling and related services and supports intended to prevent or ameliorate the immediate and long-term effects of post-traumatic stress on residential minors and young adults who have been exposed to homicide and other violent acts perpetrated through the discharge of firearms in the City; and
(g) To establish and administer workforcevdevelopment programs, except for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I programs, that will leverage public and private relationships to: (1) increase employment opportunities for underserved Chicagoans; (2) include a citywide service delivery system which responds to employer needs; and/or (3) strategically advance citywide policy agendas including but not limited to reducing youth violence, homelessness, and poverty.
The department is designated as the administrator for workforce development services, including the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title 1 programs. The commissioner shall coordinate activities of the WIA programs operated by the department with oversight from the Chicago Workforce Investment Council, the federally mandated workforce investment board authorized to set policy for the portion of the statewide workforce investment system within the local area. ,

Gilbert Villegas Alderman, 36th Ward