WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn will celebrate her 100th birthday on July 18, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago City Council has been informed of this momentous event by Alderman Debra L. Silverstein; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn was born in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1917. She graduated from College of Jewish Studies (now known as Spertus College) and went on to serve as her alma mater's librarian. After moving to St. Paul, Minnesota, Lillian Levin Kahn received her master's degree in Counseling from the College of St. Thomas; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn married Rabbi Eli J. Kahn in 1943, afterward accompanying him to his first occupation in Columbus, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn has served as an Educational Director, Teacher, Program Manager, Editor, and Proofreader while following her husband's many professional relocations; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn has dedicated herself toward community and charity work, working as a social worker for Ramsey County, originating a Meals-on-Wheels program, and creating an organization focused on educating underprivileged teens; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn, since her twenties, has devoted much of her time toward self-expression in the form of poetry, later arranged by her children into a book entitled, "The Outward Edge of Joy - A Life in Poems"; and
WHEREAS, Lillian Levin Kahn was blessed with four children: Judy, Rachelle, Shulamit, and David. She also has fifteen grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren, with more on the way. Lillian Levin Kahn is a cherished friend to many, and richly deserves the warm and fond wishes of her family and friends as she marks her birthday celebration; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this twenty-eighth day of June, 2017, do hereby express our heartiest congratulations to Lillian Levin Kahn in celebration of her 100th birthday, and extend to her our very best and most sincere wishes for.continued happiness and prosperity.