Record #: Or2020-14   
Type: Order Status: Passed
Intro date: 1/15/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 2/19/2020
Title: Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 404 N Armour St
Sponsors: Burnett, Jr., Walter
Attachments: 1. Or2020-14.pdf


RE: Approval of sign over 100 square feet in area or over 24 feet above grade

ORDERED, that the City Council hereby approves the following sign application submitted by:
Applicant*: ^rTvlvYA V-voVVs
(* The Applicant is the owner of the real property or the business tenant of the real property. Oo not list the sign contractor, sign erector, sign company or advertising entity in the above space.)
This Order approves the following sign in accordance with Municipal Code of Chicago Section 13-20-680:
Address of Sign: M O 4 ^v iW f— e^\r. Chicago, IL 606 MA-
Zoning District: PfU'V> ^
DOB Sign Permit Application »: \ C)0 fiH^T" ^VV^
Sign Details:
1. On-premise }Q OR Off-premise
Static sign OR Dynamic-image display sign
Number of sign faces 4-
Projecting over the public way (Yes or No) If yes. Public Way Use

Dimensions: Length 2-5 feet O inches Height ~l£> feet O inches
Total square feet In area: feet O inches
Height above grade: & feet O inches
Elevation (side of building or lot where the sign will be erected): VV^JfTT/'
8. Name of Sign Contractor/Erector: FVCt^ Si^tf\S
To be legal, such sign shall comply with all provisions of Title 17 of the Chicago Municipal Code ("Zoning Ordinance") and all other provisions of the Municipal Code governing the permitting, construction and maintenance and removal of signs and sign structures. Failure ofthe applicant and the applicant's successors to comply shall be grounds for invalidation or revocation of the sign permit.

Alderman \ Ward

ji ... CITY: OF CHICAOO" -Jn DEPARTMENT OF Si BUILDINGS City of Chicago Sign Permit Application

In preparation for a new Sign Permit Application and in lieu of the "Department of Zoning and Land Use Planning - Sign Site Plan" form you must complete and submit the interim Sign Permit Application below along with the online Sign Permit Application.
First, you must fill out the Sign Permit Application on-line as usual.
Next, you must print out this interim application and fill it out by-hand.
Then, you must submit both forms to the Department of Buildings for review.
This Supplemental Application must be completed and submitted along with the Online Sign Permit Application. Ali fields must be completed. If a field is not applicable you must answer "n/a" In the field.

Pbuildin^s City of Chicago Sign Permit Application
Application Number:. ISQfiHl-^ Date of Application: \o(2J^ { Address of property where sign will be erected: M.0 4 K3 ¦ r\y**g>isS~ -
Does properly have multiple addresses? ? Yes ^iVlo If yes, please list all addresses: k) I ft
Is this building vacant? ? Yes L^iNo
If yes, is it registered under the Vacant Building Ordinance? Registration #_

Applicant Is the Owner (of the real property) ? Lessee (of the real property) .

Name of Owner of Real Property: _
Address: _
Phone #s4Bfr? £itei%TOlobile #: . Email: :
Name of Lessee of Real Property: . y
•f* Address: 7g»7 'Hry^au'- i ; A
MM\le#: AJ'/A Email: /fc^i*<3* Ul fWt^
iual Inspection Fee: , / . . /
of Payer Company: J^iVfuJii (JworjA /Ltwi/t p>fO
mpany: Wrfci**& dU.)€**j o Addiess: M»V 4£ rftmf+fS' j
Email: 4
Name: J/^JiX j&ffc^- Address: Phone#: *\Mt281$&

Payer Company of Annual Inspection Fee:
Name of Contact
Name of Payer Company:
. License #:.
Phone #:Wl*Z&l?*G*T* Mobile #;
Electrical Contractor*: A>/A
Phone* ' Mobile #
Website: tflft; .
General Contractor*: Hvf^H Ad
Ucense#: (%C IQldftO -Address: in C;qq /J f i^L^e, cV^ta Ic^ 6*£3~gT
Phone frfo^ Zfe'T-j^DT Mobile #: ' AO/A" Website: _
* If Applicable.
Picture or rendering must be attached depicting sign placement with before and after view. Section 2 continues on next page

City of Chicago Sign Permit Application continued
Expediter: _
Address: tOlfa Ucense #: AJ//4
Phone #: Mobile #: ft [A Email: DiA
Website: _
u 1^2 j ; ( ¦ Section 3 - Sign and Structure Details
(Please check all that apply)
Sign Category:
On-Premise (Business ID): ? Dynamic Static
Business License # of Tenant Business:
Off-Premise (Advertising): ? Dynamic ? Static Temporary: ? Special Event ? Sign will read (Please provide ^description, picture and shop drawing):.

Type of sign (Mark all that apply):
Awning ? Canopy ? Freestanding ? Marquee ? Projecting ? Dynamic Image Display ^Wall ^ Painted :? Cabinet/Frame ? Vinyl ? Projected image ? Flashing
High Rise';Buil0lng O Hotel/Hospitals ? Other buildings:
What is the dimension of the wall on which the sign will be installed?.
Where Is.slgn or sign structure mounted? ? Inside the building-feCbutside the building
Is the sign or sign structure attached to a building or wall?: Is this a fraestandlng sign? ? Yes }S|lo Location of sign on lot NES^)
Which dfrertion does sign copy face? N E S@
i ii
Does aiiy-portion of thelslgn; sign structure or attachments cover, obscure or obstruct an existing window in a residential unit whether occupied or not? ?[Yes^Jc^No
Does any portion of the sign, sign structure, or attachments extend on or over the public way? ? Yes^d^lo
If yes; what is the public wayjuse permit number? m/A
Sign Panels-. Back to back within:|30 degrees of parallel ^fc^es ? No Number of Faces: ^L- -
Sign Support Structure: ? Pole \U Roof ? Ground^^^uilding ? Windows ? Other:
Does any portion of the signer sign structure extend 24 inches above the roof line as defined in 17-17-02149 of the Municipal Code of Chicago? ? Yes^No
Picture or rendering must be attached depicting sign placement with before and after view.
Section 3 continues on next page
City of Chicago Sign Permit Application continued
Section 3 continued
Olmensions of Sign Structure (I.e. cabinet, frame, awning, canopy)
Length; %S Feet Q Inches Height: "Zo Feet D Inches Depth: O Feet 6 Inches
Area: *S3Q Sq Ft. Weight: O lbs.
Shape of Sign: SU£ju\<±J~
Sign Height above Grade:
From Grade to Bottom of sign or sign structure, whichever is lowest: $ Ft From Grade to Top of sign or sign structure, whichever is highest: Ft. Is City Council Order required?* ^pfJres ? No
*AH signs .in excess of 100 Square Feet In area OR In excess of 24 feet above grade require a City Council Order pursuant to Section 13-20-680 of the Municipal Code of Chicago
Dimension of Sign Elements pursuant to Section 17-12-O601 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance:
Length: Feet ' Inches Height Feet inches Area:
Type of Switch: Static:^es ? No illuminated: DYes ^3)o
If yes ^ External
Electrical Contractor will Install: Feeders: ? Yes 1^o Customer Leads: ? Yes f^Jio
Number of .Lamps: Xj//f- Total Wattage: Plfr Type of Lamp: Ulfir
Number of iBallast/Transformers: Input of Transformers:
_ Location of Switch:

Dynamic Image Display: ? Yes fSMo
(An affidavit of compliance Is required for all dynamic Image display signs pursuant to Section 13-20-675(d)(2) of the Municipal
Code of Chicago.) !' ]
Max Nrts/cV/f" Max Foot Candles kl/A' Message Time (Screen Hold): jit seconds
Self Dimming Capability: ? Yes ? No
What Is the total of theislgn-face area devoted to dynamic image display?.

Zoning District or Manned Development #: ~P/V\T> M
Is sign located In a special sign district? DYes JStfJo
If yes:.? Michigan Ave.i.Corridor ? Oak St Corridor ? State St/Wabash Ave. Corridor ? Chicago River Corridor
Total Street frontage of Zoning Lot: _ (Ft)
Total Area of new sign: f^SQ (Sq Ft.) Gross Area of all proposed signs: S"QO (Sq Ft)
Total Area of all existing signs on Zoning Lot (Sq Ft.)
Picture or rendering must be attached depleting sign placement with before and after view.
.. :. ¦¦ . .¦ . Section 4 continues on next page

City of Chicago Sign Permit Application continued
Section 4 continued
Distance from outer edge of sign or structure to euro line:.
Distance from Inner edge of sign or sign structure to curb line: "X^X (Ft)
Distance from:
Public Park 10 acres or more:
Public Park 2 acres or more: \ M A6 (Ft)
Expressway or Toll Road:.
Lake Shore Drive: IH I 7^>
Michigan Avenue (Oak St to Roosevelt Rd.): 1M.0 14 (Ft.)
Residential District ¦ 5T H io (Ft)
Residential building In a 0 district iQ^fir) (Ft)
Existing off-pmm^ DYes £CNo
In aBorC District rOM (Ft)
In a D or M District M)A- (Ft)
Waterways: \K-K'?LC{Z. (Ft)

Does the propose^ or replace in existing sign? DYes ^E33jo
If yes, wereipennltsijssucd fwthe replaced, changed or altered? ? Yes ? No
If yes, please list eac^ pennit'number end date each:permit was Issued:
Permit Number l _ Date Issued:
Permit Number Date Issued: A) Ift
Permit Niimben. _ Date Issued:.
Permit Number: i L _ Date Issued:
Does the proposed s)gn;change a static sign to.a dynamic image display sign? ? Yes p&Q
Does the prosed si^ change or;alter.the:square.footage or the height of the sign or sign structure? ? Yes ^]No
Does the proposed |s^ DYes ^t$ia

We, .the undersigned, under pe^ complete, and correct end
acknowledge that Incorreklrrformatlon is grounds to revoke or rescind a permit Jt ... » /v , / r
Owner of Real Property: J t^^fjL). ty&J- ***** /^/ 'bLessee af Real Prnoartv: - _r« ' D«te _
Expediter: •- Date
Supervising Bectrtdan*: Date.
General Contractor*: Date
* napplicable. 1
Hctureormukringnmtbe attached depleting sign placement with before and after view.

City of Chicago Sign Permit Application continued

For Office Use


Sign Review Fee:
Zoning Review Fee: $J_J Total Fee: $
Amount Paid: $ ; Balance Due: $


* Once zonlngfee ls paid, this application Is valid for a period of up to six months from payment date. Applies to sign permits applied for on or after April 2,2014.

: City of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Department of Buildings Judy Frydland, Commissioner