Record #: R2022-326   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 3/28/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Committees and Rules
Final action: 3/28/2022
Title: Amendment of chairmen and members of City Council standing committees for Years 2019-2023
Sponsors: Harris, Michelle A.
Topic: CITY COUNCIL - Standing Committees
Attachments: 1. R2022-326.pdf


The resolution identifying the Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, and members of standing committees of the City Council of the City of Chicago forthe 2019 - 2023 term is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)
Committee on Budget and Government Operations

Dowell (Chairman), Silverstein (Vice-Chairman), King, Hairston, Sawyer, Mitchell, Harris, Sadlowski-Garza, Thompson Lee, Cardenas, Quinn, Moore, Curtis, O'Shea, Brookins, Rodriguez, Tabares, Scott, Burnett, Ervin, Taliaferro, Reboyras, Waguespack, Austin, Ramirez-Rosa, Villegas, Mitts, Sposato, Napolitano, Reilly, Smith, Tunney, Cappleman, Osterman.
Committee on Committees and Rules

Harris (Chairman), Napolitano (Vice-Chairman), O'Shea (Vice-Chairman), Villegas (Vice-Chairman), LaSpata, Hopkins, Dowell, King, Hairston, Sawyer, Mitchell, Beale, Sadlowski-Garza, Thorn peon Lee, Cardenas, Quinn, Burke, Lopez, Coleman, Moore, Curtis, Taylor, Brookins, Rodriguez, Tabares, Scott, Sigcho-Lopez, Maldonado, Burnett, Ervin, Taliaferro, Reboyras, Cardona, Waguespack, Rodriguez-Sanchez, Austin, Ramirez-Rosa, Mitts, Sposato, Nugent, Vasquez, Reilly, Smith, Tunney, Gardiner, Cappleman, Martin, Osterman, Hadden, Silverstein.

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)

7. Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight
Smith (Chairman), Martin (Vice-Chairman), Dowell, Sadlowski-Garza, Thompson Lee, Curtis, Taylor, Scott, Cardona, Waguespack, Rodriguez-Sanchez, Ramirez-Rosa, Nugent, Vasquez, Reilly, Cappleman, Hadden.

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)

9. Committee on Finance
Waguespack (Chairman), Hairston (Vice-Chairman), Hopkins, Dowell, King, Sawyer, Mitchell, Harris, Beale, Sadlowski-Garza, Thompson Lee, Cardenas, Quinn, Burke, Lopez, Moore, Curtis, O'Shea, Brookins, Tabares, Scott, Burnett, Ervin, Taliaferro, Reboyras, Austin, Villegas, Mitts, Sposato, Napolitano, Reilly, Smith, Tunney, Osterman, Silverstein.

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)

14. Committee on Public Safety
Taliaferro (Chairman), Osterman (Vice-Chairman), Sawyer, Mitchell, Thompson Lee, Lopez, Curtis, Scott, Ervin, Reboyras, Mitts, Sposato, Nugent, Napolitano, Smith, Tunney, Gardiner, Martin, Silverstein.

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)

17. Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Brookins (Chairman), Rodriguez (Vice-Chairman), King, Harris, Thompson Lee, Burke, Moore, Curtis, Taylor, Scott, Sigcho-Lopez, Reboyras, Waguespack, Austin, Ramirez-Rosa, Vasquez.

18. Committee on Workforce Development
Sadlowski-Garza (Chairman), Ervin (Vice-Chairman), Beale, Thompson Lee, Quinn, Lopez, Curtis, Brookins, Rodriguez, Burnett, Taliaferro, Ramirez-Rosa, Villegas, Mitts, Sposato, Napolitano, Reilly, Tunney.

(Omitted text is not affected by this resolution)

Michelle A. Harris Alderman, 8th Ward