Be k orviziiKd by the City Council of the City of Chicago
As ofNovetnbcr !, 2013 all polking agencies that write tickets for illegal parking must take pictures of alleged vehicles where they are parked at the time of the ticket as well as all signs, marking, and postings that shows that the place of where vehicle was ported was clearly identified as an illegal parking spot. This evidence should be made available for both owner of vehicle and hearing officer to review.
Policing agencies shall roclude but not limited to Chicago Police Department, Cook County Sherriff and Illinois State Police.
Dear Oty Cleric Mcwdoz*, j
Please introduce the attached ordinance on my behalf on January 17 2013 to the city council through the committee on Tiansportation and Public Way. This is regarding ticketing cars without proof evidence provided of the alleged violation. 1 am including two copies of said ordinance. Thank you very much
Keith Kysel