WHEREAS, Patrol Captain Robert Serafini began his career as a patrol Officer working his way up the ranks, and was assigned to many units including Certified Fitness Trainer and Range Instructor; and
WHEREAS, Patrol Captain Robert Serafini was also the first officer to be certified as a Detective in the department, and the first officer assigned to the Dignitary Protection Unit; and
WHEREAS, Patrol Captain Robert Serafini was a dedicated and thorough officer; as such, these qualities led him to be reassigned to the Investigative Unit that played a major role in bringing offenders to justice; and
WHEREAS, as he climbed the ladder to success, Patrol Captain Robert Serafini was promoted to Sergeant in the Patrol Unit, Sergeant over the Training Unit, and Evidence Custodian; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, Patrol Captain Robert Serafini was promoted to the rank of Captain and returned to the Patrol Unit where he took on the role of Commanding Officer/Watch Commander; here, he was responsible for inspecting and overseeing the functions of patrol officers, and managing sergeants during daily tours; and
WHEREAS, when Patrol Captain Robert Serafini was working as an investigator with the Chicago Police Department, burglaries were at an all-time low in the Hyde Park area under his watch; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this 24th day of March, 2021, do hereby honor the community service of Thirty-Four (34) Years by PATROL CAPTAIN ROBERT SERAFINI, and extend our congratulations on his Retirement from the Uni versity of Chicago Police Department, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable copies of this resolution be presented to Patrol Captain Robert Serafini as a sign of our good wishes.

Alderman Leslie A. Hairston, 5th Ward