SECTION 1. Title 17, of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District symbols and indications as shown on Map No.3-H in the area bounded by
The alley next south of and parallel to West Division Street; the alley next east of and parallel to North Hermitage Avenue; a line 25 feet south ofthe alley next south of and parallel to West Division Street; and North Hermitage Avenue,
to those of a B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
1115 North Hermitage Avenue
Final for Publication
17-13-0303-C (1) Narrative Zoning Analysis - SUBSTITUTE NARRATIVE AND PLANS
1115 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Proposed Zoning: B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District (TOD) Lot Area: 3,205.25 square feet
Proposed Land Use: The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to pennit the
rehabilitation and repuq^osing of the existing four-story mixed-use (commercial-residential) building, at the subject site. The existing building presently, contains one (1) commercial unit - at grade-level, and three (3) dwelling units - above (2nd thru 4th Floors). The rehabilitation proposal calls for the conversion of the existing grade-level (1st Floor) commercial unit into two (2) dwelling units, with the erection of a small one-story addition, off the rear. There is, and will remain, one (1) dwelling unit, on each the 2nd thru 4th Floors, of the existing building. Upon completion, therefore, the existing building, as rehabilitated and expanded, will contain a total five (5) dwelling units. To accommodate for each of the proposed dwelling units, there will off-street parking for five'(5) vehicles, located in the existing attached garage. The existi...
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