Section 1. Section 2-8-041 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the struck through language as follows:
2-8-041 Compensation for Aldermen:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)
Beginning on May 21, 2007 this sum shall bo adjusted for oach calondar yoar by applying to it the roto of inflation calculated based on tho Consumer Price Indox -Urban Wago Earners & Clerical Workers (Chicago All Items) published by the United Statos Bureau of Labor Statistics. Tho budget director or his dosignoo shall dotormino such rate by comparing the Figure for tho most rocont July with tho figure for the previous July. Any adjustment shall take effect, at tho beginning of tho first pay period for that yoar.
An alderman may choose not to have his or hor salary adjusted for any given yoar as set forth in this section... (Omitted text previously struck)...by notifying thc...(Omitted text previously struck)...budget director in a sworn statement on a form provided by tho...(Omitted text previously struck)...budget director for that purpose. This notification must bo rocoivod by tho budget director by September 15 for the choice to bo effective for the following year.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa
Alderman, 35th Ward
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.