Record #: R2018-991   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 9/20/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 9/20/2018
Title: Congratulations extended to Joy Adelizzi on retirement as Deputy Commissioner from Small Business Center in Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
Sponsors: Tunney, Thomas
Attachments: 1. R2018-991.pdf
resolution 20\8SEP \^ AH 10'.58
WHEREAS, After 25 years as a dedicated and accomplished civil servant, Joy Ad§|i£zi has' ' closed the City government chapter of her story on August 31, 2018; and

WHEREAS, Joy began her distinguished career in the City of Chicago in 1993 in the Department of General Services and has since displayed her dedication to public service through the Public Building Commission, Department of Planning and Development, Department of Business Affairs and Licensing, and, most recently, as the Deputy Commissioner of the Small Business Center in the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection; and

WHEREAS, Joy has directed all things licensing for the City of Chicago since 2005, managing the issuance of over 621,000 licenses and 190,000 public way use permits, and oversaw the generation of more than $500 million in revenue; and

WHEREAS, Joy has thrived in the incredibly challenging and ever-changing world of business licensing, balancing astutely and tactfully the demands of business owners and alderman and guiding the City through the rise of the sharing economy with unwavering skill and confidence; and

WHEREAS, Joy was instrumental in creating a one-stop-shop Small Business Center, including designing the physical layout of the business center, crafting the logistics of customer service and consultations, and helping create the Solution Station, whereby business experts come to City Hall to provide free one-on-one training to license applicants. Under her leadership, the Small Business Center has provided services to over 525,000 customers; and

WHEREAS, Joy revolutionized the licensing and permitting process at City Hall, making it easier than ever for all business owners to navigate the City's regulations by implementing the Mayor's License Reform Initiative, which reduced total licenses from 117 to 40, moved license applications online, created the Emerging Business Permit, and prioritized first-rate customer servi...

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