Record #: R2013-515   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 6/5/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 6/5/2013
Title: Tribute to late Rosa Lee Gibbs
Sponsors: Beale, Anthony
Attachments: 1. R2013-515.pdf
WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom and judgment has called to her eternal reward, Mother Rosa Lee Gibbs, outstanding citizen and beloved friend, March 31, 2013; and
WHEREAS, This august body has been notified of her passing by the Honorable Anthony Beale, Alderman of the 9th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Born October 5, 1902, Rosa Lee Gibbs was the loving daughter of Dora and Theodore Stewart, in Washington, Mississippi. Her parents instilled strong morals and values throughout her life and the life of her ten siblings; and
WHEREAS, Rosa accepted Christ into her life at an early age t St. Paul Baptist Church. She married Frank Gibbs and moved to Philadelphia and became a member of New Bethlehem Baptist Church; and
WHEREAS, Rosa and her daughter Margaret moved to Chicago in 1986 and moved her membership to Greater Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church where she participated joyously with the congregation until her health failed; and
WHEREAS, A cherished friend and good neighbor to all, Rosa Lee Gibbs had enriched the lives of the young and the old. She will be deeply missed but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; and
WHEREAS, Rosa Lee Gibbs leaves to cherish her memory her daughter Margaret Woodside; two grandchildren, Deborah Woodside and Valerie Woodside; two great grandchildren, Jaleesa Woodside and Jeremy Jackson; and a host of other relatives and many friends; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and member of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fifth day of June, 2013, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Rosa Lee Gibbs and extend to her family members our sincere condolences.
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Rosa Lee Gibbs.