Record #: R2018-153   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/28/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/28/2018
Title: Tribute to late Edgar De Allen III
Sponsors: Brookins, Jr., Howard
Attachments: 1. R2018-153.pdf

WHEREAS, Mr. Edgar De Allen III., was called home by the GREAT I AM on the day we asked the Lord to preserve his physical being a little while longer with family and some of his closest friends. Mr. Allen answered his Savior's call, "Come for I have prepared a place specifically for thee a mansion the size of twelve acres. The east wing displays a wall filled with photographs of people that will always keep you in the remembrance of their hearts." Immediately, tears welled up Mr. Allen's eyes and slowly rolled down his cheekbones. It was during that very moment; he gasped his last breath and connected with Jesus. The Angels stood by Heaven's Gate and shouted, "Glory to God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, Mr. Allen is home." and

WHEREAS, some people knew Mr. Edgar De Allen as a man full of energy, determined to speak his mind and a smile that would light up the darkest room; the Lord knew his heart and ministered to him in ways that many will say is almost indescribable; and

WHEREAS, the bible is clear when it says, "A good man's steps are ordered by the Lord." Mr. Edgar De Allen fits the biblical description perfectly. He was an astute student of the Word of God and faithful to loving people unconditionally. Mr. Allen loved his family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and even his enemies. It is our hope that we can exemplify the same type of love towards those we encounter on a frequent basis; and

WHEREAS, there are so many wonderful things that we can expound on about the life of Mr. Edgar De Allen., today let us express our deepest gratitude for every sacrifice our dear friend and constituent made throughout the course of his earthly existence; and

WHEREAS, today let us not say farewell instead stand in unison and say, 'Thank you Jesus for showing us the importance of repentance unto you and forgiveness of one other through the life of Mr. Edgar De Allen; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor...

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