Record #: R2016-872   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 11/1/2016 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 11/1/2016
Title: Congratulations extended to The Chicago Blues All Stars on 40th anniversary
Sponsors: Dowell, Pat
Attachments: 1. R2016-872.pdf
A Resolution Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Chicago
Blues All-Stars

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars began their music careers with the legendary Willie Dixon band in 1976 and consist of Deacon Freddie Dixon - son of Willie Dixon - John Watkins and Dr. Jimmy Tillman. Freddie Dixon became the band leader as they toured the United States, Mexico, Canada; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars recorded on the Mighty Earthquake and the Hurricane Album, the Grammy nominated Hidden Charms, the 'Blues Deluxe Album' recorded live at Chicago Blues Fest, at Navy Pier and on WXRT; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars have established the University of Life Community Centers in Chicago and throughout the United States. These centers provide an understanding and appreciation for the Blues as well as develop a multi-generational educational platform to teach history, vocational skills and agriculture training. The University of Life Community Centers echo the mission of Willie Dixon who founded the Blues Heaven Foundation at 2120 S. Michigan Ave. Willie Dixon's mission was to keep the Blues alive and to continue to educate and guide our youth. This is in keeping with Chicago Blues tradition, the music created here in the City of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars have established a home at Motor Row Brewing Company, 2337 S. Michigan Ave. where they perform every Monday night and provide workshops for youth, adults, students and visitors from around the world; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars welcome all Chicago musicians to join them on Monday evenings to perform. The legendary musicians are bringing back the culture and history of South Michigan Avenue, which from the 1940s through the 1970s was known as "Music Row"; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago Blues All-Stars will travel to Denmark with the Legendary Holle Thee Maxwell to headline the Frederikshavn "Blues Heaven on Earth" Blues Festival; and

WHEREAS The Chicago Blues All-Stars were ...

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