A City Council Resolution Honoring Darius Sanders
WHEREAS, This august Chicago City Council body has been informed of Mr. Darius Sanders and his outstanding achievements by the Honorable Michelle A. Harris, Alderman of the 8th Ward; and
WHEREAS, 19-year-old Darius Sanders is currently ranked as one of the top African American roller skaters in the world; and
WHEREAS, Darius is a member of the U.S. Roller Sports, and a team member member of the US Olympic Team as of 2020; and
WHEREAS, Darius has won more than 121 medals since he started skating; and
WHEREAS, his biggest moment was when he and his skating partner, Samantha, made it to the 2018 Artistic Skating World Championships; and
WHEREAS, Darius' goal is to help inspire other Chicago youth to try different sports and hobbies to help keep them off the streets and to encourage more Black kids to get into the sport of artistic skating; and
THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, do hereby express our congratulations and best wishes; and

Michelle A. Harris Alderman, 8th Ward
Be It Further Resolved That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr., Darius Sanders^