Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 080 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the following is a proposed ordinance to establish a prohibition for the parking of vehicles at the designated location as indicated below:
Ward Location
44 3767 N. Southport
(On Grace Side- 45 feet beginning at the east end of property extending 45 feet west ■ therof)
Loading Zone /No Parking/Tow Zone Monday through Saturday 8am-5pm
Billing Information: El Mercado Food Market 3767 N Southport Chicago, IL 60657
Contact: Sergio DiSapio 312-343-4213
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force hereinafter its passage and publication.
Thomas M. Tunney Alderman 44th Ward November 14, 2018