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Record #: R2020-17   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 1/15/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 1/15/2020
Title: Congratulations extended to Police Sergeant James S. Vizzini as honoree of 18th Annual Salute to American Heroes
Sponsors: Nugent, Samantha , Napolitano, Anthony V.
Attachments: 1. R2020-17.pdf

WHEREAS, Sergeant Vizzini of the 17th District Chicago; Police Department was among the honorces af the Eighteenth Annual Salute to American Heroes on November 3, 2019, and;
WHEREAS;.This body was informed of that honor by Alderman Samantha Nugent and Alderman
Napolitano and;
WHEREAS, On the Twenty-Third of April, 2019, "Sergeant Vizzini along wtth Officers Bratek, Manalo. Muriilo, Mahe, and Vega responded to a call of a fire at 4850 North Keystone Avenue.

WHREASi Officers arrived on scene and to bright orange flames coining from the basement. The officers immediately ran to the front door and rang the doorbell. Officers yelled and pounded on the doors to alert residents. Their efforts were successful as a famiiy was safely evacuated from the house.

WHREAS,The officers were told two other men were in the basement of the house. While Officer Vega escorted the family to safety;,Officers Bratek, Manalo, Murillo, Mahe helped one man out ofthe house and attempted to enter the basement to assist the wheelchair boundrnan.

¦WHEREAS, The officers made.numerous attempts to enter the basement. Due to smoke and flames the officers could not enter the basement, but they persisted. With the assistance of Sergeant Vizzini, officers ran to the back of the home and attempted to enter the baseinent-three times through the back door-and the windows:.

WHE RE AS, 0 ffcers Bratek and Murillo attempted to enter the basement through windows but could not. Officers then started shining their flashlights into the basement and talked to the victim that was still trapped inside to follow the light iii an attempt to get him to reach the back door through the;smoke. Sergeant Vizzini attempted to tame the fire with a hose found on the side of the house until the Chicago Fire Department arrived on scene.

WHEREAS, Due to the heroic efforts of Sergeant Vizzini and Officers Bratek, Manalo, Murillo, Mahe, and V...

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