Record #: R2016-145   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/10/2016 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/10/2016
Title: Congratulations extended to Marc Sussman for service to Six Corners commercial district and Old Irving Park and Portage Park communities
Sponsors: Arena, John
Attachments: 1. R2016-145.pdf







WHEREAS, Marc Sussman, with his wife, Mary, is a long-time resident of Old Irving Park and the owner ofthe Klee building and the Portage Arts Lofts in the commercial district of Six Corners; and


WHEREAS, Marc Sussman worked to develop one of his buildings into an arts anchor for the Portage Park community, supporting the growth and success of Filament Theatre, National Veterans Art Museum, Inside Out Art Studio, and Chicago Ballet Center; and


WHEREAS, Marc Sussman was an original partner in the Six Corners BBQ Fest, which has grown into a thriving neighborhood festival; and


WHEREAS, Marc Sussman has worked tirelessly to transform the Six Corners commercial district into a premier arts and shopping destination; and


WHEREAS, Marc Sussman's efforts have attracted diners and shoppers to businesses throughout the commercial district; now therefore


BE IT RESOLVED That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered this 10th day of February, 2016 AD, do hereby pause to pay tribute to the civic achievements of the Marc Sussman and commend his work on behalf ofthe Six Corners commercial district and the Old Irving Park and Portage Park neighborhoods.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Marc Sussman and his family.