Alderman Harry Osterman
Resolution Recognizing Philip C. Cowen, Jr.
WHEREAS, The members of Chicago City Council and Edgewater Community lost a valued community member, on November 3,2019 with the passing of Philip C. Cowen, Jr; and
WHEREAS, Beloved Husband to Joan Nee Buitkus for fifty years; and
WHEREAS, Philip Cowen was a loving father of Philip (Sarah), Matthew (Elaine) and Theresa (Christopher Sauve) Cowen; and proud grandfather to Madeline, Carter, William, James, Sylvia, Wesle Joan and Benjamin; and
WHEREAS, Philip was the caring brother ofthe late Claire Serino; and
WHEREAS, Philip was a courageous Navy veteran ofthe Korean War; and
WHEREAS, Philip was an enthusiastic and kind member in the community and will be remembered for his joyful spirit as a father and friend; and
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this day of December 18*2019, do hereby honor the memory of Philip C. Cowen, Jr. and extend our sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

Harry Osterman Alderman, 48th Ward
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5533 NORTH BROADWAY • CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60640 • 773-784-5277 • Fax 773-784-5033