Record #: R2013-893   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/16/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 10/16/2013
Title: Congratulations extended to ShawChicago Theater on 20th anniversary
Sponsors: Fioretti, Bob
Attachments: 1. R2013-893.pdf

WHEREAS, ShawChicago Theatre Company will soon be celebrating two decades of remarkable reader's theatre that primarily performs the prolific works of the late Irish playwright, essayist, novelist and short story writer, George Bernard Shaw; and

WHEREAS, ShawChicago started as a project of the City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs in 1994. Robert Scogin was appointed as Artistic Director in 1996 and has since featured at its concert-readings many of the most prominent actors this city has produced. In 1997, ShawChicago's outreach program presented performances in a variety of venues, including retirement homes, libraries, high schools, colleges and universities throughout the city and its environs; and

WHEREAS, In June of 2000, ShawChicago became a non-profit independent theater company with a Board of Directors, an Advisory Committee and took up residency at the Ruth Page Center for the Arts on North Dearborn Street in January 2001. In 2008, the Chicago Drama League presented Robert Scogin with the Crystal Award, its highest honor, for his distinguished contribution to Chicago Theater; and

WHEREAS, Departing from its usual repertoire in 2009, ShawChicago was awarded a MacArthur Foundation grant to perform their adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts" at World Theater Day in Turkey. Again, in 2011, the company received a grant from National Endowment for the Arts in support of their production of Clifford Odets' depression-era play "Paradise Lost"; and

WHEREAS, Throughout its illustrious history ShawChicago has presented most of Shaw's one act dramas and all of the major plays of Bernard Shaw except "St. Joan" which they will be presenting February of 2014 in celebration of their 20th Anniversary; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert W. Fioretti, Alderman of the 2nd Ward has apprised this august body of the significant milestone being achieved by this illustrious star in the Chicago Theater firmament, now ther...

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