MEMORANDUM FOR TRAFFIC REGULATIONS PROHIBITION AGAINST PARKING (Except for the Handicapped): Street, etc:_North Neva Avenue_
Location, etc:_No. 2700_(Permit No. 69412)
Distance or extent:
Hours:_at all times
Days:_no exceptions
Application for disabled parking signs please read the following carefully before completing the form
6943 2
An aopfiCffcr: wti not be considered complete unless: » Ail lifi^s of ine apultcatfc" Poen compiled in full;
Ach&-Jt or mor.ev o«i-';-r lo- S7(: CO made payable to the City of Chicago is suomitied as payment ot the 3ppi cfiuon lee: pieoso noi&: The application f«.s .irttili oe waived for any oc-rson holding a valifj. current ots3b!ed veterans oltf<-> Disability must oo permanent as evidenced by a cony oi you; valid disabled pieeatd and'or cui'rent vehicle re^istoifcon s-jbm-ttcd ai tha lime of ;»pp!':cation:
P>'00: of residency, io thn fo:m cf a copy o* yv^r di,v^r?; !-,ct-iiw, alitte- icl:?."it fico-oii, cr utility Oill& are sub.'Mti'te-J ot ii-no of ppliro' iv:.
Completed application forrns may be returned to: the ott.ce of youi fjla.;;i::. o.oy Cily <' CliiCKO,*- Dm>v. vrtaxl -
! ol P.O. fSr-x 803(00. Chicago, IL 6CSbO-31 Ou, AT'! h: Disauled Pc-.r.*tt\rj Geciioa ' A A2'j.OC flvsir '000000 fee will 0* bii!;id tc yn« .?.pn>:s»:y. Should you have questions or concerns, piease cali our pfetmrt prccds^og •Jivtsto.- •i. Data of B'
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