Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation
City Council Meeting July 6, 2011 Alderman Brendan Reilly, 42nd Ward Special Event Fee Waiver
ORDERED, That the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to issue the following licenses and permits, free of charge to Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, for the special event "Taste of Greece on LaSalle" scheduled to take place on June 24, 25, 26, 2011 between the hours of 4:00p.m. and 11:00p.m. at 1017 North LaSalle.
Tent and Canopy Permits, itinerant Merchant License Fees and Temporary Food Vendor Licenses Fees, Special Event Permit, Street Closure Permit, and all other permits and fees related to this event
37th Annual "Taste of Qreece on La SaCk Street'
To 'Benefit: Tfie Annunciation Qret^OrttodoTiCatfkdralof Chicago 1017 $C LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60610
Alderman Brendan Reilly, 42nd Ward office
Chicago, IL 60654 ^ " ^0f/ //•
Dear Louis, \^
Our 37th Annual Food Festival is approaching. Your were kind enough to assist us with the approval for the Office of Special Events consideration and special permits in all the years past. We are need of asking for your assistance this year with a written approval so we may expedite the review of our Special Events Permit Package.
We are also asking for the first year if its possible to waive the City of Chicago Special Event lisence since this event is for a The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral which is a not for profit religious entity.
The event will take place entirely on our property which consists of enclosed parking lot, Church and Church Community Hall. The dates for the event are Friday June 24th through Sunday June 26nd.
The Annunciation Cathedral appreciates your assistance in our event which helps us continue to serve not only the Greek Orthodox Community, but also to serve those from the community at large who increasingly turn to the Cathedral on a daily basis for help. This annual Festival is the single largest fundr...
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