BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO: SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by changing all of the B3-3, Community Shopping District symbols as shown on Map No. 11 - G in the area bounded by:
beginning at a line 350.15 feet north of and parallel to West Montrose Avenue; North Sheridan Road; a line 200.15 feet north of and parallel to West Montrose Avenue; a line from a point 200.15 feet north of West Montrose Avenue and 44.48 feet west of North Sheridan Road; to a point 250.52 feet north of West Montrose Avenue and 55.86 feet west of North Sheridan Road; a line 250.52 feet north of and parallel to West Montrose Avenue; a line 84 feet west of and parallel to North Sheridan Road; a line from a point 84 feet west of North Sheridan Road and 292.43 feet north of West Montrose Avenue to a point 67.24 feet west of North Sheridan Road and 300.15 feet north of West Montrose Avenue; a line from a point 67.24 feet west of North Sheridan Road and 300.15 feet north of West Montrose Avenue; to a point 90 feet west of North Sheridan Road and 350.15 feet north of West Montrose Avenue.
To those of a B2-5, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
SECTION 2. This Ordinance takes effect after its passage and due publication. Common address of property: 4420-30 North Sheridan Road, Chicago
Final for Publication
The subject property is currently improved with a mixed-use building with commercial units on the ground floor and 33 dwelling units above. The Applicant needs a zoning change in order to comply with the minimum lot area requirements in order to convert the existing commercial units into 5 live /work units for a total of 38 dwelling units within the existing four-story building. Pursuant to the Transit Served Location Ordinance, no onsite parking will be provided.
Project Description: Zoning Change from a B...
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