Failed to Pass
Proposed settlement agreement regarding case of Alma Benitez v. Paul Bar, Frank Castale, Thomas Curran, William Davis, Salvador Esparza, Daniel Gallagher, Roberto Garcia, Anthony Glaviano, Richard Hagen, John Halloran, David Hickey, Michael Jackson, William Johnson, Gregory Jones, Jeffrey Malik, Audie Manaois, David March, David McNaughton, John Murray, Delores Myles, Michael Nestad, Robert Ranzzoni, Beth Svec, Terence Teahan, Peter Torres, Victor Wathen, Anthony Wojcik, cited as 16 CV 9847
1. Or2020-10.pdf
Ordered, that the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a Settlement Agreement in the following matter:
Alma Bcnitcz v. Paul Bar, Frank Castale, Thomas Curran, William Davis, Salvador Esparza, Daniel Gallagher, Roberto Garcia, Anthony Glaviano, Richard Hagen, John Halloran, David Hickev, Michael Jackson, William Johnson, Gregory Jones, Jeffrey Malik, Audie Manaois, David March, David, McNaughton, John Murray, Delores Myles, Michael Nestad, Robert Ranzzoni, Beth Svec, Terence Teahan, Peter Torres, Victor Wathen, Anthony Wojcik, cited as 16 CV 9847.
Amount: $125,000
CHICAGO January 15. 2020
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Finance having had under consideration a proposed order authorizing the Corporation Counsel to enter into and execute a Settlement Order for the following case:
Alma Benitez v. Paul Bar. Frank Castale. Thomas Curran. William Davis, Salvador Esparza, Daniel Gallagher, Roberto Garcia, Anthony Glaviano, Richard Hagen, John Halloran, David Hickey, Michael Jackson, William Johnson, Gregory Jones, Jeffrey Malik, Audie Manaois, David March, David, McNaughton, John Murray, Delores Myles, Michael Nestad, Robert Ranzzoni. Beth Svec. Terence Teahan, Peter Torres, Victor Wathen, Anthony Woicik. cited as 16 CV 9847.
Amount: SI 25,000
Having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that your Honorable Body do not pass the proposed order.
This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of members of the committee with ^ dissenting votc(s).
Respectfully submitted,