WHEREAS, On Sunday, April 12, 2015, many family members and friends throughout the community gathered at Compassion Baptist Church, -to participate and celebrate the Ordination Service of Charles Edward Bates, Jr., under the pastorate of Reverend Allen Foster, Jr., Senior Pastor; and
WHEREAS, Charles E. Bates, Jr., born in Chicago July 12, 1975, grew up going to church and believing in the Word of the Lord, but his initial life changing experience with Christ was August 7, 1997 and for the next 2-1/2 years Charles studied the scriptures, developing a life of prayer. His first mini-sermon during a Tuesday morning prayer session motivated him to borrow deeper into the scriptures; and
WHEREAS, Symbolic ofthe spirit and strength of family life, he has been married for 12 lA years to his loving wife, Tanganyika; they are the parents of two children: Charles and Madisen. They currently serve on the Married Couples Ministry. Charles serves as the interim Sunday School Superintendent at Compassion Baptist Church, a New Members Teacher, and mentor/counselor for members and non-members; and
WHEREAS, Charles E. Bates, Jr.'s passion is preaching and teaching God's Word as well as being of assistance to others in the development of their spiritual relationship with the Lord; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Michelle A. Harris, Alderman of the 8th Ward, and Chairman of the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics, has informed this august body of the ordination of Charles Edward Bates, Jr.; and
WHEREAS, The leaders of this great city are cognizant of the importance and great debt owed our religious leaders; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City of Chicago City Council assembled here this 15lh day of April 2015 A.D., do hereby congratulate Charles E. Bates, Jr. on his ordination and extend our best wishes for years of successful service to God.
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