SECTION 1. Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 15-J in the area bounded by
A line 666 feet northeast of the northeast line of North Lincoln Avenue; North McCormick Road to-a point 210 feet south of the south line of West Devon Avenue and 611 feet west of the west line of North Kedzie Avenue; thence south on a line " bearing south of 09 degrees 08 minutes 31 seconds east with a length of 362.03 feet thence south 80 degrees 51 minutes 29 seconds west a distance of 62.67 feet, thence north 50 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds west 212.18 feet to the point of beginning,
to those of a C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
'Cornmon Address of Property: 6341-45 N. McCormick Road
17-13-0303-C (1) Narrative Zoning Analysis
Address: 6341-6345 N. McCormick
Proposed Zoning: Cl-3 Neighborhood Commercial District Lot Area: 95,164 sq. ft.
The Applicant seeks a zoning change in order to permit the establishment of a self-storage use at the subject property. The self-storage facility will occupy the existing building at 6341 N. McCormick. The Applicant is proposing additions to that existing building. After the additions, the building will contain 95,164 sq. ft. of total floor area. It will be 59'-8" in height. The one-story building at 6345 N. McCormick will be razed. Onsite parking for 5 cars will be provided onsite.
The Project's floor area ratio: 2.33
The project's density (Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit): N/A
The amount of off-street parking: 5 parking spaces
Front Setback: Oft.
Rear Setback: 5 ft.
North Side Setback: 141 ft.
South Side Setback: 15 ft.
Rear Yard Open Space: N/A
(e) Building Heig...
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