Record #: R2018-1248   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 11/14/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 11/14/2018
Title: Congratulations extended to Daniel Hale Williams Park 8 to 10 Year-Old Flag Football Team on winning citywide championship
Sponsors: Dowell, Pat
Attachments: 1. R2018-1248.pdf

A Resolution in Honor of the Daniel Hale Williams Park Eight to Ten Year Old Flag Football Team



WHEREAS, It is with our sincerest congratulations that we honor the 8-10 year old flag football team from Daniel Hale Williams Park in the 3rd Ward for winning the citywide flag football championship this fall; and


WHEREAS, Flag football teaches important life skills like teamwork, comradery and dedication while also being excellent exercise for people of all ages; and


WHEREAS, The citywide flag football competition is a highly competitive tournament separated by age group where participant teams compete against one another in a fun and exciting test of their football skills; and


WHEREAS, The Chicago Park District hosts this competition as part of their countless community offerings that enrich all Chicagoans, from sports programming, to arts classes, to educational programs, and more; and


WHEREAS, The 8-10 year old flag football championship team from Williams Park was coached by Keith Jones and Delano Braxton and was made up of teammates Trevion Banks, Daveon Cochran, Towalo Johnson, DaVarion Trotter, Camari Hopkins, Lorenzo Marlow, Gregory Dorsey Jr., and Antaz Lambert; and

WHEREAS, This team exemplified the togetherness, fortitude, and physical and mental strength needed to go undefeated on their way to the fall championship; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here in assembly this 14th Day of November, 2018 A.D. do hereby congratulate the Williams Park 8-10 year old flag football team on their fall citywide championship; and

Pat Dowell Alderman, 3rd Ward

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the members of the Williams Park 8-10 year old flag football team.