Memorial Resolution for Yuri Hardy
WHEREAS, It is with great sadness that the members of this chamber learned of the sudden departure of Yuri Hardy on December 29, 2016; and
WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been notified of his passing by the Honorable Emma Mitts, Alderman of the 37th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Yuri Hardy was bom on December 2, 1997, to Jami Hardy and Richard Nelson, in Hammond, Indiana; and
WHEREAS, He was a senior honor student at Urban Prep Academy and planning on going to college next year. Yuri Hardy became an accomplished dancer through programs at the Chicago Park District. He was a member of The Dons and Divas on Deck Dance Team. Yuri was active in the Prism Club, Sanaa Art Club and Columbus Park Teen Club. He also was a volunteer with the After School Matters art program; and
WHEREAS, Yuri was employed by Kidz Xpress mentoring youth. He also was an entrepreneurial fashion designer; and
WHEREAS, He was a loving, peaceful young man. He enjoyed ice cream and cakes. Yuri appreciated the opportunity to get a good nap; and
WHEREAS, Yuri Hardy leaves to cherish his memory his parents, Jami Hardy and Richard Nelson; siblings, Robert, Raven, Terien, Victor, Imani, Ryan, Kobe and Kyle; grandmother, Evadne Nelson; and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Hardy was preceded in death by his grandparents Lavergne and Andy Hardy; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Hardy touched the lives of all who knew him through his good cheer and spirit. He will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character will live on in those who knew and loved him; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-second day of February, 2017, do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Yuri Hardy and extend to his family our sincere condolences.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Yuri Hardy as a sign of our sympathy.