BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Chicago that the Rules of Order and Procedure ofthe City Council, City of Chicago for the years 2011-2015 are hereby amended by adding the language underscored and deleting the language struck-through as follows:
RULE 8. During the session of the City Council, no one, unless by consent of the Council, shall be admitted within the bar ofthe City Council Chamber except representatives of the press, television, radio, ex-Aldermen except as provided in Rule 56, and persons invited by the Mayor or other Presiding Officer. The Mayor or Presiding Officer shall assign seats for the persons invited by them. The Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics shall assign an area or areas for said media of communications, and such area or areas shall be for the reporters and for such cameras and recording devices or other equipment as may be necessary for use of said media of communications.
No person registered lobbyist shall, at during any meeting of the Council or meetings of anv Council committee or subcommittee, solicit any individual Alderman to vote for or against any person or proposition.
Elected officials currently holding office shall not be allowed to lobby anv member of the Council on behalf ofany individual or corporation who pays them to do so.
RULE 14. Every member who shall be present when a question is stated from the
Chair shall vote thereon, unless excused by tho Council, they have previously recused themselves
due to financial interests or other ethical considerations as required by law.
RULE 41. All ordinances, orders, petitions, resolutions, motions, communications or other propositions shall be referred, without debate, to the appropriate committees and only acted upon by the City Council at a subsequent meeting, on the report ofthe committee having the same in charge; provided, however, that the following shall not be subject to this rule:
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