WHEREAS, Local School Councils (LSC) is a partnership between parents, community members, and school staff members helping support Chicago Public Schools (CPS); and,
WHEREAS, During the Chicago Public Schools' financial crisis in 1979, the Chicago Education Summit formed LSC with the passing ofthe Chicago School Reform Act to provide financial accountability for CPS; and,
WHEREAS, In October 1989, the first LSC elections took place and 6,000 elected members created the LSC boards all across the City of Chicago; and,
WHEREAS, Today, LSC boards continue to pursue the best education for their students by approving school funding and resources, developing and maintaining Chicago's annual School Improvements plans, and seeking the highest standards of excellence from school principals; and,
WHEREAS, Each member leaves a positive impact on CPS by encouraging student achievement inside and outside the classroom; and,
WHEREAS, Dedicated parent, community member, and school staff member participation is a critical part of LSC success and strength; and,
WHEREAS, We applaud Cesar E. Chavez Multicultural Academic Center LSC members Norma Alvarez, Sara Villagran, Maria Hernandez, Araceli Ortega, Jenni Perez, Jessica Rodriguez, Veronica Lopez, Richard Cadena, Marcella Cadena, Ashley McCall, Marie Ruiz, and Principal Barton Dassinger; and,
WHEREAS, We acknowledge these volunteers who dedicate their precious time to the success of Chicago's students; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here on the eighteenth day of April, 2018, do hereby applaud the diligent members ofthe Local School Councils (LSC) and thank them for their commitment to Chicago's students; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be prepared and presented to each of our dedicated LSC members.