WHEREAS, The anointed Pastor, Servant and Leader of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Dr. W.H. Foster, an outstanding member of this city's religious community, will be celebrating his 28th Anniversary as Pastor; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Foster attended the Chicago Baptist Institute where he received his Bachelor of Theology degree as well as Master's Degree from Booker Morris College. He earned an Associate Art degree and was also granted an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from McKinley Theological Seminary; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Foster's pastoral experience began at the age of 28 as Pastor of Greater First Baptist Church. He was the spiritual shepherd of Tabernacle Baptist Church for 5 years and has been the Shepard of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church since 1985; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Foster is considered a leader of leaders who impacts those around him by sharing his servant heart. His passion for the global work of the Church has been a driving force at the District, State, and National Level. He has been the President of the United Baptist State Congress of Christian Education for 27 years, and, on June 9, 2010, he became the President of the United Baptist State Convention of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Foster is united in the bonds of Holy Matrimony to Louise Marshall Foster and they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 2007; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert W. Fioretti, Alderman of the 2nd Ward, has apprised this august body of Dr. W.H. Foster's noteworthy and prolific achievements throughout his tenure as a spiritual leader; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, assembled here this 26th Day of June, 2013, do hereby salute Pastor Dr. W.H. Foster, Sr. for his many years of faithful service to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church and extend our best wishes and prayers for his continuing service.