Record #: R2013-130   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 1/17/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 1/17/2013
Title: Congratulations extended to Police Sergeant Eleanor M. Reardon on retirement
Sponsors: O'Shea, Matthew J.
Attachments: 1. R2013-130.pdf
SA HesoCution
Adopted6y The City CounciC
of the City of Chicago, Itfinois

WHEKEAS, We/ inthisclty of immigrants, this etty of neighlyorhoods,
this most A merican of ad cities are par^ cognisant of the "A merican
Vream/''; and

WHEKEAS, Ofthe/ myriadavailable- career pathstoward fulfillment of that dream/, there/ are/ but a/ few through/ which/ faithful execution of responsibilities offers assurance- that those/ who choose/ other paths will irv fact have/ a/ legitimate opporturxlty to- achieve/ their portion of the- Vream/; arid

WHEKEAS, Though/ seemingly fixed arul inviolable/, the- complex/ social fabric- of our great metropolis could be- easily torn- asunder were it: not for the- guardians of the public welfare, indeed, the guardians of the "AmericanVream/"; and

WHEKEAS, Vedixatvon to the fulfillment of the motto of the Chicago Police- Vepartment- "We Serve arub Protect" -exacts a- substantial physical and emotional tod not only ow the officers who- must dally cope with- the- stress arul danger of being- life's arbiters for coiivtless citizens, butalsoowthe family members who live with-the- very real knowledge- that their husband o\* father may never return/ from/ any give workday; and

WHEKEAS, Throuahprofessionalisrrvawb the me-mbers of tke£=
Chicaao-Polli>eVepartment -<
the united States of America, ablow^ coto
of the "A merican V ream/' in safety and confidence-; arub -< c-> — in
om cn om
I— C V -cl
WHEKEAS, The/words of Sir Winston Churchd^ " never have so ttmilyy ~j£ 2 3
owed so much to so few" were never more apropos; and '>"-::: 3 -~
P'l "* z: CO C
WHEKEAS, Sergeant Eleanor M. Kecudon, Star Number 2087, devotedc~> thirty years of her life/in se
persorudly ensured that the- City' of Chicago is the safe, healthy, vibrant community t is today; now, therefore,

BE IT KESOLVEV, That the Mayor and members ofthe City Council/of
the City of Chicago irv council meetingJanuary 17, 2013, that orvbehabf of
aU/thecttiyyariy of Chuzago-we/ dohere...

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