WHEREAS, George Lemperis, owner of the legendary Palace Grill and outstanding civic leader, is stepping down as the president of the West Central Association; and
WHEREAS, As its president, George Lemperis led the West Central Association through some of its most challenging years. During a period of tough economic times, he kept the association moving in a forward direction; and
WHEREAS, George Lemperis brought the association into the cyber age by launching the West Central Association's first website. He always faced each issue confronting the association with a smile on his face and a high degree of optimism.
WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert W. Fioretti, Alderman of the 2nd Ward, has apprised this august body of the significant milestone reached by this remarkable business leader; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered together on this 5th Day of March, 2014, do hereby salute George Lemperis for his tireless service to the West Central Association and extend our heartfelt best wishes for success in all he may endeavor to do in the future.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to George Lemperis.