Record #: R2017-343   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 4/19/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 4/19/2017
Title: Congratulations extended to Phyllis Cavallone-Jurek on receipt of "Golden Apple Leadership Award" and "Lead. Learn. Proclaim." Award
Sponsors: Solis, Daniel
Attachments: 1. R2017-343.pdf

WHEREAS, Ms. Phyllis Cavallone-Jurek has been named the 2017 recipient of both the "Lead. Learn. Proclaim." Award and the Golden Apple Stanley C. Golder Leadership Award; and
WHEREAS, The members of the City Council have been informed about Ms. Cavallone-Jurek's awards by the Honorable Daniel Solis, Alderman of the 25th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Phyllis Cavallone-Jurek became principal of St. Therese Chinese Catholic School in Chicago's Chinatown in 2004. St. Therese School has approximately 300 students in grades from pre-school through 8th grade and is recognized for creating lifelong learners. The school has a culturally and economically diverse student body; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Cavallone-Jurek took St. Therese Chinese Catholic School from being a school in danger of closing to becoming a model of academic excellence, an accomplishment that was recognized in 2011 when the school was named a National Blue Ribbon awardee. The school also was an Intel School of Distinction National Finalist; and
WHEREAS, Last month Ms. Cavallone-Jurek received a Golden Apple Stanley C. Golder Leadership Award for her exemplary work at St. Therese's; and
WHEREAS, Phyllis Cavallone-Jurek is receiving the 2017 "Lead. Learn. Proclaim." Award from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) for her dedication and commitment to excellence. Ms. Cavallone-Jurek was selected from more than 150,000 teachers, administrators, diocesan leaders and organizations dedicated to Catholic schools. She will receive her award at NCEA's annual convention this month; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here together this 19th day of April, 2017, do hereby congratulate Phyllis Cavallone-Jurek for receiving the Golden Apple Stanley C. Golder Leadership Award and the "Lead. Learn. Proclaim." Award.
DANIEL SOLIS Alderman, 25th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be...

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