WHEREAS, Ida Velez has been a bedrock of the Ravenswood Manor neighborhood, teaching ballet to students of all ages at the non-profit Le Petit Ballet School of Dance for the last 43 years; and
WHEREAS, She was born in Puerto Rico in 1945 and moved to Chicago as a young girl in 1953; and
WHEREAS, She began dancing at the age of ten in order to learn English and meet other girls; and
WHEREAS, At the age of fifteen she stopped dancing due to an unfortunate fire that destroyed the ballet studio where she studied; and
WHEREAS, She never lost her love for ballet and would, at the age of 32, resume dancing at what is now Le Ballet Petit School of Dance, becoming an instructor one year later; and
WHEREAS, She would continue teaching at the school and, in 1992, would become the school director's hand-picked successor; and
WHEREAS, She would serve as director for more than twenty years, stepping down in 2016; and
WHEREAS, She has gained a reputation for being tough, kind-hearted, and adapting her teaching style to best suit her students;
WHEREAS, Ms. Velez has been a teacher, mentor, and friend to the thousands of students that have crossed her path; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, assembled on this twenty-third day of June, 2021, do hereby congratulate Ida Velez on her retirement from Le Ballet Petit School of Dance and thank her for her years of dedication to the youth of Chicago and the art of Dance; and

Alderman, 36th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be prepared and presented to Ms. Velez as a sign of our gratitude and in honor of her service to the community.