WHEREAS, After 17 years of distinguished public service, Sergeant Chris L. Pillow is retiring from the Chicago Police Department; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this occasion by the Honorable Matthew J. O'Shea, Alderman ofthe 19th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Dedication to and fulfillment of the motto of the Chicago Police Department - "We Serve and Protect" - exacts a substantial physical and emotional toll not only on the officers and sergeants who must cope daily with the stress and danger of putting their lives on the line for countless City residents, but also on their family members; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his long and distinguished tenure, Sergeant Pillow upheld the finest traditions of the law enforcement community, and his hard work, commitment, and dedication to duty earned his the respect and admiration of his colleagues and the communities he protected and served; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Pillow devoted his career to public service and to the people of the City of Chicago, and, in doing so, has personally ensured that the City of Chicago is the safe, healthy, and vibrant community it is today; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council would like to recognize the great debt owed to our law enforcement community, and express our sincerest gratitude to Sergeant Pillow for a long and prolific career; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of December, 2022, do hereby congratulate Sergeant Chris L. Pillow (Star # 1394) on his retirement and thank his for his service to the people of the City of Chicago, and express our heartiest wishes on a pleasant retirement to Chris L. Pillow; and

MATTHEW J. O'SHEA Alderman, 19th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be prepared and presented to Sergeant Chris L. Pillow.