SECTION 1. The Building Commissioner is ordered to waive the demolition fee for the demolition of property located at 3837 S. Wabash Avenue.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication.
Alderman Pat Dowell Alderman, 3rd Ward
The Jobs for the Future Training Center 3837 S. Wabash
The Jobs for the Future Training Center focuses on sustainable jobs. The building is located in the Bronzeville area and would serve the entire City. TRC is currently working with ComEd on jobs for a sustainable future, and would like to work with the Dept. of Transportation on other sustainable jobs. The mission of the workforce training center is to prepare participants to perform sustainable jobs without having the highly technical skills set required for most of these jobs. TRC also operates an organic garden and participates in the community garden initiative.
TRC is a member of the 741 Work Force Collaborative, and currently has training initiatives in customer services, janitorial and in landscaping. We serve anywhere from 101 to 500 person thru our partnership work in our current trainings and placements. When we develop the site, we will serve thousands in the Center. They will range in age from 18 thru senior population. TRC receives funds from the State of Illinois for its supportive services and from City of Chicago' McKinney Veto for its supportive housing funds for services.
The demolition permit is being requested by TRC, the sponsoring agency for the training center. TRC has worked with the City in redeveloping the historic former Wabash YMCA which house 101 former homeless adults and a 71 unit senior housing development in the Bronzeville area. TRC also received a TIF grant to better train members of Bronzeville Green, to become better landscapers.
Please feel free to visit our website if you think you need additional information about us. Our website is www.trcwabash.org
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