Recognition of Mary Dressier for Her Service to the Oriole Park Library
Whereas, Mary Dressier has faithfully served the Chicago Public Library for 15 years; and;
Whereas, Since 2004, Mary has been a dedicated, passionate public servant to the families and residents of the Oriole Park community through her work in and out ofthe Oriole Park Library; and
Whereas, In the course of her service to Oriole Park, Mary touched the lives of thousands of individuals, many of whom had recently arrived in Chicago; and;
Whereas, Mary has spent thousands of hours promoting the Chicago Public Library and literacy to local schools, daycares, and church groups; and;
Whereas, Mary leaves Oriole Park with the same spirit and enthusiasm for literacy that endeared her to the community to begin a new commission at the Portage-Cragin Branch;
Be it resolved, that we, the Mayor and members of the City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this 28th day of May, 2014, do hereby express our congratulations to Mary Dressier on years of service and wish her continued success in the Portage-Cragin Community, and;
Alderman, 41st Ward
Be it further resolved, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Mary Dressier.