SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the PMD 6, Lake Calumet Planned Manufacturing District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 26-B in the area legally described as:
That part of the south half of Section 8, Township 37 North, Range 15 east of the third principal meridian, described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block "A" in South Chicago Dock Company's addition to South Chicago according to the plat thereof, recorded inarch 19, 1883, as document number 454653, also being the northeast corner of Muskegon Avenue and east 106th street, running thence north 00 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds west along the west line of said Block "A" a distance of 257.35 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1 in General Mills, Inc. Owners fourth division recorded as document number 853579825; thence along the southerly and easterly lines of said Lot 1 the following six (6) courses: 1) North 89 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds east 589.94; 2) North 80 degrees 39 minutes 54 seconds east 663.36 feet; 3) North 24 degrees 15 minutes 11 seconds east 47.42 feet; 4) North 00 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds west 451.08 feet; 5) North 77 degrees 5.1 minutes 06 seconds west 138.29 feet; 6) North 0 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds west 30.00 feet; to the northerly line of said Lot 1 also being the southerly line of-Slip number 4 as now constructed, also being on a line 718 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Slip number 3 as recorded by said South Chicago Dock Company's addition to South Chicago; thence south 89 degrees 37 minutes 09 seconds west along the last described line 15.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 4 in General Mills, Inc. Owners third addition according to the plat of survey thereof recorded September 08, 1941 as document number 12752776; thence north 00 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds west alon...
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