BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO: SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by changing all ofthe Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District symbols as shown on Map No. 5-1 in the area bounded by:
The public alley next north of and parallel to West Medill Avenue; a line 320 feet east of and parallel to North Sacramento Avenue; West Medill Avenue; and the alley next east of and parallel to North Sacramento Avenue.
To those of a B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
SECTION 2. This Ordinance takes effect after its passage and due publication. Common address of property: 2934-40 West Medill Avenue, Chicago
Amended To Be A Type-1 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative and Plans for 2934-40 West Medill Avenue, Chicago, IL. From Cl-2 to B2-3
The subject property is currently vacant. The Applicant intends to build a new 5-story residential building with building amenities and parking on the ground floor and 56 dwelling units on the upper floors. The Applicant needs a zoning change to comply with the minimum lot area per unit, the maximum floor area ratio and the maximum height requirements of the Ordinance
Project Description:
Zoning Change from a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to a B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District,
Residential building with building amenities and parking on the ground floor and 56 dwelling units on the upper floors
Floor Area Ratio:
Lot Area:
23,100 Square Feet
Building Floor Area:
69,300 Square Feet
412.5 Square Feet per Dwelling Unit
*Off- Street parking:
46 parking spaces
Set Backs:
Front Setback: 0'
Side Setbacks: East: 1' / West: 1'
Rear Setback (residential floors): 31'-8"
Building height:
*As per Section 17-10-0102-B Transit-Served Locations