Record #: SO2019-1586   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 3/13/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Final action: 6/12/2019
Title: Residential permit parking at N Kolin Ave, 1500 block - Zone No. 2044 - amend
Sponsors: Maldonado, Roberto
Topic: PARKING - Residential Permit
Attachments: 1. O2019-1586.pdf, 2. SO2019-1586.pdf


Whereas, Section 9-64-090 of the Municipal Code of Chicago authorizes the establishment of residential permit parking zones in the City; and


Whereas, That section authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to erect and maintain signs on residential streets in residential zoning districts; and


Whereas, On July 26, 2017, the City Council passed SO2017-5465, which stated that a residential permit parking zone (#2044) should be created from 1500-1599 North Kolin Avenue (east and west side), and


Whereas, It was subsequently discovered that the designated area included property zoned for commercial use, as opposed to residential use, thereby making that property ineligible for inclusion in a residential permit parking zone; and


Whereas, As soon as the error of over-inclusion was discovered, the pertinent street signage was adjusted to correct the error, and


Whereas. It is now necessary and advisable to correct the legally passed description of Zone #2044; now, therefore,



Section 1: Ordinance SO2017-5465, printed on pages 53485 to 53489 of the Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago, Illinois, for July 26, 2017, at page 53487, is modified to properly restrict the residential permit parking zone to the residential zoning district on the 1500-1599 block of North Kolin Avenue as follows.


(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)


26      1500 - 4S99 1552 North Kolin Avenue. 1500 -- 4S99 1552 North Kolin Avenue (oast and west side) and 1501 -- 1543 North Kolin Avenue (east side) between West Le Moyne Avenue and West Grand Avenue -- Residential Permit Parking Zone 2044 -- at all times -- all days;


(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)



SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and


Roberto Maldonado Alderman, 26(h Ward