Record #: R2012-1124   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/12/2012 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/12/2012
Title: Congratulations extended to Paper Place on 100th anniversary
Sponsors: Fioretti, Bob
Attachments: 1. R2012-1124.pdf
WHEREAS, In 1912, the legendary architect and builder Daniel Burnham designed and built the Polk-Wells Building, now known as "Paper Place"; and
WHEREAS, The building, located on the southeast corner of West Polk and South Wells is a 10 stories high concrete frame brick structure built on caissons that represents a distinct departure from the earlier Romanesque revival buildings such as the original Lakeside Press building and the Donahue building; and
WHEREAS, Originally used as general office and warehouse facilities for businesses needing space near Grand Central Station, which once stood across Wells St., to the west, the Polk-Wells Building was converted to condominiums in 1990and re-christened "Paper Place" reflecting the neighborhood's moniker and history as "Printer's Row"; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert W. Fioretti, Alderman of the 2nd Ward, has apprised this august body of the significant milestone achieved by this venerable and historic edifice; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago Council, gathered together this 12th Day of December, 2012 AD, do hereby salute the Paper Place on the occasion of its Centennial celebration and express our very best wishes for continued success of this iconic residential complex.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the Paper Place Condominium Association.
Alderman - 2"d Ward