Record #: R2017-650   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 7/26/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 7/26/2017
Title: Congratulations extended to Chicago Fire Department Engine Company 124 on 100th anniversary
Sponsors: Reboyras, Ariel
Attachments: 1. R2017-650.pdf



WHEREAS, The Chicago Fire Department will be celebrating Engine Company 124's 100 year anniversary on August 19, 2017; and,


WHEREAS, On November 16, 1916, Engine 124 was organized at 4426 North Kedzie Avenue and was assigned to the 22nd Battalion: and,


WHEREAS, Truck 38 was organized there on September 25, 1925; and,


WHEREAS, On May 26, 1972, Ambulance 32 was relocated to this location. Battalion 10 was relocated on February 1, 1985, and Jump Bag 5-6-2 was relocated here on December 2, 2005; and,


WHEREAS, On July 6, 1964, fire companies were temporarily relocated when the firehouse was torn down to make way for a new firehouse. The current fire house was built in 1964 -1965, on the site of the original firehouse that was built in 1916, occupying the same location at 4426-28 North Kedzie Avenue; and,


WHEREAS,   On August 17, 1965, Mayor Richard J. Daley and Fire Commissioner Robert J. Quinn dedicated the new firehouse; and,


WHEREAS, On March 17 2004, Engine Company 124 became an Advance Life Support (ALS) Engine; and,


WHEREAS, Members from the firehouse who have made the ultimate sacrifice are from: Engine 124, Lieutenant Robert J. Liesz on June 16, 1986, and from Truck 38, Fireman Charles W. Wolff on March 7, 1926, Firefighter Gary D. Descher on December 10, 1968, Firefight Phillip J. Kenneally on October 31, 1984; and now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here this twenty six day of July 2017 A.D., do hereby recognize and congratulate Chicago Fire Department Engine Company 123 and its members, past and present, on 100 years of service, to the residents of the Albany Park neighborhood; and,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared for
presentation to the members of Engine Company 124.


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Ariel E. Reboyras Alderman, 30th Ward